15 - Séance

987 57 19

Word count: 1863

From now on I will write Izukus unhearable muttering in Italic


Next Sunday
Izukus POV

Over the weekend the students had furnished their Rooms. Today was the first day they would sleep in the school. This was pretty exiting for Izuku. His preferred targets would be in his reach at every time, from now on.

The girls of class 1-A decided to make a room contest. Since Izuku had already seen every room, he followed them more for the reactions to the different rooms.
Tsuyu and Shinso where already asleep when the idea came up and Kacchan just told everyone to: "stay the fuck out of my room, if you are happy with the shape of your nose."

Since nobody felt like testing his skills as a plastic surgeon, these three rooms were excluded from the competition.

Izuku wondered why Kacchan made such a fuss about his room. It was nearly like his room at his parents house. A big bed, a TV and a whole load of training material. Weights, a punching bag and much more. And everything was neatly organized.


I skip the rooms and everything. Sato wins etc.


After the crowning of the first official dorm room king, many students sat in the common area and talked. Sero mentioned that he had trained card tricks as a kid, so Momo made a deck, and he performed some tricks. He wasn't really good, so Izuku helped him from time to time, out of pity.

One after another the students had gone to bed. The only ones still up where Denki, Momo, Tokoyami, Toru, Mina and Todoroki.

It looked like Tokoyami wanted to say his good night too, when Todoroki spoke to him. "Tokoyami, do you know something about ghosts?"

All other conversations ended abrupt. Everyone was looking at Tokoyami. The boy seemed to feel unwell with all the attention on him.

Finally, he cleared his throat and said: "Before I answer, why do you ask?"

"Because of the ghost from the USJ. Judging from your room you have expertise in this field." came the answer.

"I know some things, yes. What do you want to know?"

"Is there a way to talk to the ghost? I would like to ask it some questions."

Tokoyamis shoulders relaxed visible. It seemed he had feared a bigger task, like summoning or banishing the ghost.

"In that case it's inside my capabilities to help you. Let me get something out of my room." with that he went to his room and came back shortly after. In his hands he had a big dark board and a black velvet pouch.

Tokoyamis lay the board on the ground so that everyone could see it. It was an Ouija Board but no ordinary one. It was made out of a dark, nearly black, wood and the letters and ornaments were lined with silver.

After that, Tokoyami took a Carnelian (a red stone) out of the pouch. This was the planchette (the heart shaped piece, with the hole). It was littered with ornaments that too where silver lined. The biggest ornament was a pentagram with a hollow in the middle.

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