16 - Training For The Sport Festival

949 54 26

Work count: 1270

Izukus POV

It showed that Izuku was a volatile drunk. In one moment he changed Kirishimas hair dye to pink, the next he sat crying in a corner because Tokoyamis black room remembered him of the dark space of nothingness.
Then he floated as fast as he could across the school only to end up with the strong urge, and inability, to vomit because the meatloaf, Food Rush made for the teachers, remembered him of the brain of the Nomu and the USJ incident.

In the end it wasn't a very productive evening. In the whole dorm of class 1-A where half done tricks lying around.
An open tube of toothpaste lay beside of Minas door, but no toothpaste on the handle.
In Denkis room lay an open bottle of ketchup and the Letters "YOU AR" written in ketchup, at the wall.
And half of Minetas posters of naked
ladies where censored.


The next day, in class Momo told Aizawa about their communication with the Ghost.
At this Point the majority of the class believed, that there was a Ghost.

Aizawa seemed unmoved by the things Momo told him.
"I don't think it's as bad as you seem to believe. The answers of the ghost may be wrong and some kind of joke. And the 'Attack' on Denki, does look more like a joke than a real attack.
Don't let yourself get distracted by this. You know that the Sport festival is in two weeks. And if your performance isn't satisfieing you may be moved into General Studies and someone of them will take your place."

At these words the class was shocked, they could lose their place in the hero course?
Izuku on the other hand was thrilled, this was a chance to achieve his main goal. The possibility to destroy Kacchans hero life.

After the lesson the class went out for lunch but the door of their classroom was blocked by a crowd of people.

"What are all this people doing here?" asked Mineta.

Kacchan pushed through the crowd and said: "They're scouting out their rivals, Purple Perv. Like Aizawa said they were to pathetic to get into the hero course, so now they are seeing their chance." with this he turned his back to everyone and went to eat lunch.

A blond girl, with only one eye, stand in front of the class.
"So it seems the rumors are true. You think you are something better just because you are in the hero course. Don't worry, once I took one of your seats you will lose your superior complex, it's not healthy." without waiting for an answer she turned and went away.

Aizawas POV

The story of his students was concerning. The ghost seemed to become more active. Maybe it got stronger over time?

He only hoped that the device of the principal would work in case it would be necessary.

Izukus POV

Izukus plan was simple:
Step 1: hinder Kacchans training

Step 2: don't let him sleep in the night before the festival

Step 3: hinder him during the festival

So he followed Kacchan to his training. Before he started, he took a book out of his pocket. It was wrapped good and save.

After Kacchan had unwrapped it, Izuku saw that it was a notebook in a pretty bad shape. It looked burnt and seemed to got soaked in the past.
It was the same kind of notebooks that he himself used when he was still alive.

Izuku looked over Kacchan shoulder and froze. This was his handwriting. He looked at the front of the book, and really it was his notebook Nr. 13, the one Kacchan exploded at the day Izuku committed suicide. The one that also contained his summary on Kacchans quirk and fighting stile.

He was torn between two feelings, on the one hand he was happy that Kacchan finally had acknowledged his analysis skill.
On the other hand he was furious, the person who was responsible for his death profited from the skills of his victim, even more the skills he bullied him for.

The latter emotion won. Izuku felt like this was some kind of disgrace of him. "He should have given this book to mom. But he has seen that it contains valuable info on his quirk and just stole it. You disgust me."

Izuku even considered destroying the book, but he decided against it. Kacchan had a whole year to read it he probably knew everything that matters and it would feel like killing a part of himself, since he put his whole heart into these books.

Bakugos POV

In the next two weeks, everyone in class 1-A trained like crazy. The only one whos training wasn't going well was Katsuki.
Everything was going wrong. His alarm clock was broken sometimes it woke him 3 hours to early, sometimes it doesn't woke him at all.
The shower in his room seemed only to know two modes ice-cold and boiling hot.
His cooking went bad every single day, one day someone turned the stove much to high and everything burned. On another day someone put an enormous amount of salt into his meal, it wasn't edible after that.
His shoelaces got cut and on one day his whole clothing was powered in itching powder.
In this two weeks the whole class had learned a ton of new swear words and four eyes had given up on telling him to not swear. Even this prick with a stock in his ass, could understand when something was absolutely helpless.

He was sure that the someone in these sentences was the ghost. At first, he had laughed about the theory of IcyHot, but now he had no choice but to agree. The class was haunted and for some reason this ghost targeted him the most.

Due to all this Katsuki didn't improve at all.
And when he didn't even got one hour of sleep in the last night before the festival his mood was at an all-time low, but although all this he didn't doubt, that he would get the first place. He had to, because he promised it to Izuku.


So next Chapter the sport festival starts I feel a bit uneasy about it. I don't want to retell the whole thing without to much changes and I don't want to skip it.
So it would be really nice if you could leave your opinion here.

Should I:

1. Take the original sport festival and just add Izukus ghost influences?


2. Think of new things for round one and two?

It would really help me if you could help me with this decision, because I'm unsure if the original sport festival isn't to overused and boring.


What Izuku knows about his Quirk:

- He can float and go thru basically anything
- Can see in the dark
- Flying speed up to 50 km/h
- Telekinesis up to 100 kg (easier when he "touches" the thing.
- Normally invisible and inaudible, but can choose to be heard and/or seen
- Can choose who can see/hear him, but only if he sees the target
- Can change his clothes and make little things appear (up to the size of a chair).
- Can boost others, but it's extremely exhausting for him and the one he bluffed

- He has to be dead to use his Quirk
- Can't use transportation devices (like cars, trains or planes
- He needs electricity to do things
- He has so sense of touch anymore
- When he uses his Quirk too much he gets a migraine, in the worst case he goes unconscious (then he enters a scary empty world)
- Presumably he will die if his Quirk ever gets erased. (This is just a assumption obviously he didn't test this)

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