31 - Responsebility

214 23 9

Word count: 1815

So, uhm i finally found the energy and time to write annother chapter. Yay.
I cant make any promises when it's going to happen again. Maybe a month maybe six who knows. Regardless, have a nice day.


Izukus POV

Once again, he found himself in the black void, deprived of every sensation. But he was too much occupied by his own thoughts to worry about that.

"What did I do? Did I really try to kill Kacchan? And seriously injured Denki in the Process? Am I a worse person than Kacchan? As soon as I have a bit of power, I go crazy with it and hurt people?"
This revelation baffled Izuku, why did he do this? Sure, his goal was to prevent an asshole hero, like Kacchan would certainly become, but did this justify killing the boy?
Definitely not, so why did he try to do it? Maybe his quirk did make him more aggressive, the longer he possessed a body? Maybe it was the stress and euphoria, of fighting against his childhood tormentor?

Regardless what it was, it would NEVER happen again!
Maybe he was too unstable for the world? A danger even? Maybe he should just go forward and dive into the light?
Now that he was considering it, he noticed the light again. The last time he had seen it, it was of the size of the north star. Now its size was that of a tennis ball held at arm's length. Not that big, but many times bigger than last time. It called for him, it seemed like a whirlpool, he had to fight to maintain distance, and the closer he came, the stronger became the force.

His considerations, if he should go into the light seemed to let it grow faster, the attraction to the light grew. A part of him wanted it, it wanted to strife forward, another part panicked even by the thought of it. When the light reached the size of a Baseball, Izuku again felt a pull away from the Light.


When Izuku opened his eyes, he expected to see the inner workings of a robot again, or at least the arena. But he found himself in Nezus office.
He floated inside a hollow glass sphere that was barely big enough for him. Before him, he saw the Principal, Powerloader and Aizawa in his mummy outfit.

"So? Did it work?" asked Nezu
Powerloader checked an monitor before him and answered "I'm not sure the energy consumption has risen by a bit" 
'They somehow have me trapped in here, and brought me back, but they can't see me. That's a relive. Let's see how ghost save this is.' with this, Izuku tried to float up through the glass. But he found he was unable to.
The parts of his body that touched the glass began to disintegrate. It didn't hurt, but it was very unpleasant. His old friend, the headache, came back.

"Oh! That was a peak, I would say it's there." With this exclamation of Powerloader, Nezu and Aizawa turned to Izuku, both show very stern looks.
"Good, now that we hopefully can talk, you will tell me why you nearly killed two of my students, and why I shouldn't send this whole cell straight to Tartarus." Nezu was nipping at his tea while speaking, but his voice was like steel.

Izuku tried top grab a pencil, Outsider of the cell, with His telekinesis. Nothing. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't refuse to talk to the heroes. He couldn't escape, and if he stayed still he would go into Tartarus. So there was only one choice.
"I didn't intend to kill them. I wanted to beat Ka-Bakugo, but I overdid it and I didn't mean to hurt Denki at all, but when I controlled his body it hurt him" all three teachers seemed surprised by the voice of a boy that spoke to them.

"Aha, do have a way to make yourself visible to us? It would make this conversation way easier." Nezus voice had lost a bit of it's Edge.
Izuku looked over at Aizawa. Nope, no way he would just show himself to the man with the ghost delete eyes.
"I'm sorry, I can't show myself." he lied. But Aizawa wouldn't have it.
"You are lying, I have seen you once before. Why are you lying?"
'Damn. More lying could mean straight to Tartarus. I think I would rather die for sure than be an imprisoned immortal. Ok, all or nothing!'
"I think that If Eraserhead stops my quirk, that maybe I will die for good. I don't want to show myself to someone, that can kill me with a thought." this Revelation seemed to baffle the three heroes.
"I assure you, Eraserhead won’t kill you. You will need to Trust us. So we can trust you." Nezus voice made it clear that this was not negotiable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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