1 - Awakening

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8 Month after Izukus Swan dive
Izukus POV

He opened his eyes and saw, a Wooden wall? It was just a few centimetres away from his nose.

"Where am I? And why does my body fell so numb?"
"O shit am I paralyzed? Please no! Everything but that!"
"Well only one way to find out."

Izuku tried to move his arm and panicked when presumably nothing happened. But then slowly at first his arm moved.

"Yes! Not paralyzed" in this happy moment Izuku moved his arm to fast and his fist slams against the wooden wall in front of him.

He wince in anticipation of the Pain but there was none. In fact his arm reaches into the wood before him and thru it without smashing it.
"Well that's odd."

Izuku moved and had the feeling that something is missing. He feelt like he was swimming or as if he didn't weigh anything.

He made a role to see what is behind (or under?) him.
He saw the smashed nearly unrecognisable remains of a head, that had obvious signs of decay, and wished he had never looked. Then he saw the green hair on the the head and it hit him: 'Kacchan, the roof of the School, the jump and the impact'

Izuku realized, he was dead and in his own coffin. And presumably, he was a Ghost? "Well then" he take another role to face what he decided had to be up and tried to move. Fist nothing happened but then he began to rise.

It was really strange to slide through the earth. He felt nothing and could neither hear or see something. But not long after his rising began he hovered over his own grave. In the middle of a storm.

Izuku looked around and saw a tree, not far from his grave, that burns down after being hit by a lightning strike.
To him the Storm wasn't more than a background scene. The wind blowing through him and the lightning and fire where no danger for a ghost.

"Why am I a ghost? Is this my quirk or are their many other ghosts? What date isit?WhydidIwakeupnow?"
Izuku murmured becoming faster with every word he spoke. Then a Observation hit him with might:
"My head hurts, why do ghosts have migraine? That's not fair, I feel nothing besides the headache. And I am completely exhausted" with this he floats to the only home he had ever known. To his mother.

On his way home Izuku was way to exhaustet and distracted to see that all streetlights he passed where flickering nearly to fast for the eye to catch.

When he arrived he slipped through the wall to his room. Hovered over his bed as if he slept in it and closed his eyes.

Inko's POV

The day after the Storm started great. Somehow she felt more energetic than in Month. As if she smelled fresh air for the first time.

She didn't know why, but it felt like it.

Inko walked into the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the first time since at least a week or so. She wasn't sure.

When she sit down to eat she realised: "Wait why did I place two plates on the table? *sob* and this are way to many pencakes for only myself."

She had thought, she had learned to continue her life. To live with the loss, but now, she wasn't sure if she hadn't lied to herself the whole time. Maybe she could never live a happy, or even normal life again. Maybe she didn't deserve it after failing her child.

At this point Inko sight was blurred and she was on a good way into a new crying attack.

Izukus POV

He woke (? He wasn't sure if he had slept, but he felt much better, his migraine and exhaustion were gone) to the sound of his mother making breakfast.

It was like nothing had changed. Izuku floated in the kitchen on his way he saw on the TV, that more than 8 months had past since he killed himself. "Why did I wake up now?" He murmured.

In the kitchen he saw his mother. She looked thin as if she had fought off a illness.
Izuku said a soft: "Hello". He didn't wanted to scare his mother to death, but she doesn't seem to notice him.

Izuku floated further and said louder: "Hello? Mum?" but she doesn't responded. He tried to touch her shoulder but his hand goes right thru her.

Then his mother turnt and Izuku thought she had feelt his touch, but it was only that the pancakes were ready.
His mother steps right thru him without noticing.

She sat down at the table, but then she stiffens as she noticed the other plate at the Table. Her eyes begin to shimmer with tears and she sobbed: "Wait why did I place two plates on the table? *sob* and this are way to many pencakes for only myself"

Inko seemed as if she would break down every second. Izuku felt really bad, because he threw away his life without thinking how this would affect his mother.
He tried again to lay his hand on her shoulder to support her.

Then two things happened:
First: for one short moment, Inko felt like a hand was touching her shoulder
Second: the Lightbulb in the ceiling flicker.

What Izuku knows about his Quirk (I will do this after every chapter to keep track of what Izuku knows he is capable of. Both for me and for you. New Infos I will write in italic)

- he can see in the dark (coffins don't have light)
- he can float and go thru basically anything
- he is invisible and inaudible
- if he tries hard enough he can "touch" things

- he has to be dead to use it

I think that's all at the moment in the next chapter Izuku will experiment to see what he is capable of. So this section could become rather full please tell me is it's to much.

I'll try and keep it short but quirk explanation can be complex.

Word count: 1010

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