28 - The Rest Of The Quarter Finals

294 28 4

Word count: 928

Yay uhm let's just ignore the time since the last update. 🙃

Just focus on the good parts, like if I continue in this speed this will be finished sometime in this decade. 😅


Izukus POV

After a few minutes of recovery from his brain frying, Denki was on his way back to the viewer section of class 1-A.

On the way out Shinso spoke to him. It clearly wasn't easy for him to speak.

"How, do you do it? You must tell me, this additional weakness of my Quirk could ruin everything, if I don't find a way to counter it." there was desperation in his eyes.

For one moment Izuku had pity for him, but he wasn't going to risk his chances on revenge for the sake of one guy he barely knew.

"Don't tell him."

"But you said-."

"No, we are already sharing this Body we don't need his help."

"But he is so desperate."

"He will survive a few more hours, after we have won you can tell him."

After he had given Kacchan a good beating, Denki could tell everyone he wanted, Izuku didn't care anymore.

"Sorry Shinso, I tell you after the Tournament."

Shinso didn't seem pleased, but the desperate look on his face lessened.

"Fine, one day won't matter that much" with this he closed his eyes and laid-back. After that Denki went back to the rest of the Bakusquad.

"Hey there you are bro. You made it into the semi-finals, super manly." greeted Kirishima.

"How did you escape Shinsos Brainwashing? If I had known that trick I would have won easily." pouted Mina.

"I can't tell you now, after the Tournament I tell you" said Denki

"What why?"
"No fair. "
"Not manly bro, we are your friends."

"Quiet you dum fucks." exploded Kazuki.
"I'm gonna be his next opponent, so he obviously won't tell me his secret moves. Now shut up I wanna see the fight from Icehot and roundface."

This outburst let the other three drop the topic.

The fight between Todoroki and Uraraka was epic but simultaneously decided before it even began. Uraraka was pretty good at dodging Todorokis ice and even managed to surprise him with an attack made from his ice shards, that fell on him. But everything was in vain. At last, she was too slow and got trapped like everyone before her.

The fight between Pony and Tetsutetsu evolved into another war of attrition. Pony flew in the Air Balancing on a horn pair while throwing horns at Tetsutetsu. He on the other hand tried to knock her of with stone chunks he broke out of the Arena. At least he managed to hit her and followed up with a kick that send her out of the Arena.

Over these fights Izukus mind was under constant stress. He tried not to think about Kacchan and how much he hated him. But the other was in Denkis vision allot, and it's really hard not to think about something.

The reason why he tried to suppress the feeling was, that he didn't want Denki to detect it.

"You were pretty silent during these fights, before this you couldn't keep your mouth shut while seeing fights." wondered Denki

"I'm concentrating on the next fight." replied Izuku, maybe a bit snotty.

The next fight was their fight. Denki stood up and swayed a bit.

"Whoa easy there Bro, you wouldn't want to brake your neck on the way to the fight." said Kirishima as he steadied the Blond.

"Thanks just a little headache." replied Denki

"Wow bro, your eyes are pretty red. You don't have to cry you know? You got pretty far, and it's no shame to lose to Bakubro."

"I didn't cry it's probably from the headache." with that Denki flet the scene

3. Person POV

Katsuki had stand at the side and was now looking hat the back of the head of the fleeing blonde a look of concern on his face. Luckily no one noticed it.

Izukus POV

Denki stood in his preparation room and was looking into a mirror. Kirishima was right his eyes where red as if he had cried for hours.

'It seems my presence puts some stress on his body' though Izuku, but he didn't say it out loud. He wasn't going to endanger his goal now that it was so near.


What Izuku knows about his Quirk:

- Can float and go through basically anything
- Can see in the dark
- Flying speed up to 50 km/h
- Telekinesis up to 100 kg (easier when he "touches" the thing.)
- Normally invisible and inaudible, but can choose to be heard and/or seen.
- Can choose who can see/hear him, but only if he sees the target.
- Can change his clothes and make little things appear (up to the size of a chair).
- Can boost others, but it's extremely exhausting for him and the one he buffed.
- He can control the body of people that are brainwashed by Shinso (it seems that someone he controlled that way, can hear him after this even when Izuku didn't intend them to hear). He can give control back to the people, after they awake, and still remain in the body.

- Has to be dead
- Can't use transportation devices
- Needs electricity to do things
- Has so sense of touch
- When he overuse his quirk he gets a migraine, in the worst case he goes unconscious (then he enters a scary empty world)
- Presumably he will die if his Quirk ever gets erased.

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