40. Who are you?

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Xavier POV

Once the doors opened, I ran to the front desk.

"Nevah." I breathed out. "Nevah Conway."

"Are you immediate family?" The lady at the desk asked me.

"I'm her boyfriend. My grandparents adopted her. So yes, yes I'm immediate family." I nodded.

"Ok. Room, 572." She told me.

"Cheers." I thanked her and ran to find the room. I ran down the hall, made two lefts and found the room. When I got up to it, I opened the door. My heart sank at what I saw. 

My grandparents were sat next to the bed with Nevah. My heart sank because Nevah looked fine, a feeling of relief came over me. A gash was on her forehead but that seemed to be about it.

"W-who a-are y-you?" Nevah asked. Fear in her eyes as she looked at me standing by the door.

"Nevah? It's me, Xavier." I told her. Tears still fell down my cheeks. My grandparents sat to the side next to her bed.

"I-I d-dont k-know you." She whispered. I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

"Y-you don't remember me?" I breathed out. All of a sudden, Nevah started smiling then burst out laughing.

"Your face. Baby you should have seen your face." Nevah laughed.

"You're a bitch." I smiled and shook my head. I walked to her, cupped her cheeks and kissed her. "I hate you." I mumbled against her lips, not breaking the kiss.

"No you don't." She pulled away and giggled.

"So what happened?" I got a chair and sat next to her bed. I held her hand in both of mine pressing my lips to her knuckles.

"All I remember is you arguing with Izzy then walking out. I slipped on an ice puddle and fell knot the road. I didn't see the car, only hearing the beep and the lights. Then I woke up here." She told me.

"Nevah has a minor concussion. The car was going slow since it was a road that was icy and barely anyone else was driving. The man came in and apologised personally. The doctors say she's going to be absolutely fine. She'll be able to go home in a couple hours." Abuelo explained more.

"What's with the drip?" I chuckled a little.

"I've got a bad headache, so they gave me this. Every time it gets too bad I can add a drip so it'll ease the pain. And when I go home it'll be paracetamol." Nevah smiled at me.

"You got me for a second then." I chuckled lightly. "Ivory told me you were in a car accident and I just freaked. I shouldn't have left at all."

"Dont beat yourself up for it doofus." She flicked my forehead with her spare hand. "No one could have known what was going to happen. It'll be ok. I'm fine, absolutely fine. I've had worse injuries so I think i got lucky with this."

"Yeah." I nodded and kissed her hand again.

It was 7:00pm when Nevah was discharged. Abuelo and grandpa went home in their car while I took Nevah.

"You hungry?" I looked at her a second then put my eyes back on the road.

"Starving." Nevah giggled. I got to kfc and went through the drivethru. I got me and Nevah something as well as something for the grandparents.

When we got back home, I took all the food from Nevah and we went inside. As soon as we got inside, Apollo was immediately on Nevah's shoulder. He's learnt how to say pretty, so he kept on saying that. He calls Nevah pretty and gives her kisses, making the noises as well.

It makes her laugh and smile. Just seeing her like that makes me feel good, just getting her Apollo is the best thing I ever gave her.

"We got you some KFC." I told the men on the sofa. Hurley immediately put his head up at the mention of food.

"Thanks mate." Abuelo said and took his food. Nevah and I went up to our room where we sat on our bed. Apollo moved on to my shoulder where he kissed my cheek making the noise as well. I should teach him how to say give me kiss. That would be funny. Maybe some swear words to. No, Nevah will kill me. Worth it though.

Once we got to our room, we sat on our bed eating our dinner while Apollo sat on my head with Peter rabbit playing. Nevah wanted to watch it seeing as she now wants a rabbit to. She told me she wants one, but doesn't because Apollo will get jealous. What can I say, he takes after me. We both get jealous over Hurley getting more attention than us. Nevah just rolls her eyes at us.

"Happy birthday baby." I leaned over and kissed her.

"Some birthday." She giggled.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Maybe one of the best so far."

"You're so stupid." I rolled my eyes.

"And you're so jealous." She shot back.

"And I love you." I kissed her again.

"I love you to." Nevah put her hands around my neck as we kissed. Only to hear Apollo making kissing noises as well.

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