39. What?

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Memphis POV

We were all on edge. There's been so many accidents with the icy roads and people on them. Paisley had taken the twins, Finn and liana back to their house so Bella could get a scolding. I could hear her bickering outside when the front door shut.

I think that girl has it in her head that, Xavier used to act like that and got away with it, so can she. Sometimes I will never understand children, well, teenagers. I used to be one once, and I was bad. I guess most of my teen life consisted of paisley, autumn and Sebastian.

"Shouldn't someone of gone with her?" Autumn asked.

"Maybe, just until she found him." Danny sighed. So much worry on his face and in his eyes about our adopted child. All of our kids he gets really worried about, especially Nevah since she's young and not so wary of the world yet. We just want her to live a couple years stress free of all of that before we tell her all of the dangers and all that jazz.

It wasn't until half an hour Nevah left, I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Memphis Jones?" A man asked on the other end.

"Yes, this is he." I replied.

"I need to inform you of a car accident. Including Nevah Conway." He told me.

"What happened?" All colour drained from my face, thinking the worst.

Xavier POV

While sitting at mine and Nevah's spot, I couldn't help but think about everything that's happened. Why can't we just go one day, one fucking day without an argument. Izzy is my little sister, and I'll always love her, but it's Nevah's birthday. We shouldn't have fought on a day like today.

After forty-five minutes of sitting at the spot, my phone kept on blowing up. Phone calls came, text messages, voicemails, the lot. That was until I saw Aunt ivory's name.

"Yes, how can I help?" I asked annoyed. What can a man do to get some piece?

"Xavier, it's Nevah." Ivory sighed. "She was hit by a car, Danny and Memphis are at the hospital now with her. She's in critical condition. No one could get hold of you."

"What?" I quickly stood up and rushed to my car. My feet pounded the ground as I ran. Leaves crunching and twigs snapping at almost every step. All that was on my mind was Nevah.

Just the words hit by a car, was all that was going through my head. The worst case scenarios came to me. What if she died, what if she's in a coma? What is she loses her memories of us? I can't lose her. Memories or her dying. I just can't lost her.

It felt like I was running for a life time. All that was in my sights was trees. Nothing but trees. I shouldn't have came all this way out. I should have just drove around to calm down, not come to the spot, which is an hour walk to the destination. I'm so dumb.

Only if I stayed at home, or went up to our room. Anything else to stop Nevah from leaving the house. It scares me of what might happen. When you think of car crash, your mind instantly goes to death. But it doesn't always end like that, no and I'm praying to god that my Nevah is ok. She's healthy and only has minor injuries, maybe none at all.

Eventually, I got to my car and got in. My hands shook as I tried to get the key in the ignition.

"Fucking dammit." I yelled and punched the steering wheel. I took a deep breath then went in and put the key in. The car came to life letting me put it in gear and drive off. My heart was beating so fast I thought it'd come out of my chest.

The loud beating filled my ears as I watched the road turn from dirt to concrete. I followed all the signs to the hospital since I was still half an hour away from home. Only if I didn't leave at all. I only have myself to blame. None of this would happen if I had stayed home, not left and watched Nevah. God I'm so stupid.

All that played through my mind was the memories I've made with Nevah, all the good and the bad. Starting from our first kiss, to cleaning her cuts, to holding her when she cried, to getting her that damn bird she loves so much, to moving into my grandparents house with her. To my last kiss with her. I really hope that wasn't the last one we share.

Soon enough, I got to the hospital and parked the car, quickly turning it off and taking the key out. I locked it then ran to into the hospital. I got in the lift and pressed in the number she would be on. My heart still hammering in my chest, only adding to my nervousness.

Once the doors opened, I ran to the front desk.

"Nevah." I breathed out. "Nevah Conway."

"Are you immediate family?" The lady at the desk asked me.

"I'm her boyfriend. My grandparents adopted her. So yes, yes I'm immediate family." I nodded.

"Ok. Room, 572." She told me.

"Cheers." I thanked her and ran to find the room. I ran down the hall, made two lefts and found the room. When I got up to it, I opened the door. My heart sank at what I saw.

A/N: you're going to hate me for this, but... it's the last one tonight. Thank you all so much for reading so far. Vote and comment your thoughts 😊

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