36. I promise

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Xavier POV

It's been two weeks since I got Nevah, Apollo. She loves him all the time which makes her happy, so I'm happy. My grandparents adopted her and we've moved in. We went into my mums old room and made sure to christen it. We didn't actually have sex, just oral.

I want Nevah to tell me when she wants it. There is not way I'll force her into sex just because of my selfish needs. Today I decided to get her that promise ring I've been meaning to get her for a while now. It's not going to be romantic because I know for a fact Nevah hates all that shit. She's that type of girl who would rather stay at home in bed with me and Apollo than go out for a meal.

Nevah's cuts have healed. We did take her to a doctor to make sure she was fine and healthy, which she is thank god. Abuelo told the hospital what had happened so they called the police. John was arrested and the other kids were taken to a proper care home where they'll be better taken care of.

When I got to the Pandora shop, I looked around for a ring. When Nevah was asleep I was able to get her ring size so it would fit her perfectly. Once I found the perfect one, I bought it and put it in a small bag. Next I went to apple to get her a phone. It will help when she wants to go out with friends then can call me to pick her up.

When I got the phone, I went back home to find my grandparents on the sofa. Apollo perched in his cage while hurly laid on grandpas legs.

"Where's Nevah?" I asked as I shut the front door.

"In bed. She's not feeling great." Grandpa sighed.

"How long has she been asleep for?" I questioned.

"About two hours. Not long after you left." Abuelo told me.

I nodded and jogged up the stairs to mine and Nevah's room. When I opened the door, Nevah was laid on the bed curled up sleeping peacefully.

"Baby." I rubbed my thumb on her cheek as I kneeled next to the bed. "Time to wake up."

"No." She groaned and frowned making me chuckle a little.

"I've got a present for you." I rubbed her back.

"I don't feel good." Nevah whispered.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked her softly. "What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Let me sleep." She opened her eyes and smiled a little. "I just feel sick today and drained. I think the whole thing of what the boys did to me if catching up. And the nightmare last night kept me awake most of the night." She sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me. I would have laid with you." I told her.

"Because I don't want to keep you awake. You had college this morning so I wanted you to sleep."

"Baby college can wait. I'll most likely work in Nate or mum and dads bar for a living." I told her. "It doesn't matter, college comes after you, ok? You come first and always will be."

"I still feel bad though." Nevah mumbled. I put my fingers under her chin so she would look at me. I leaned in and kissed her softly yet passionately.

"You have nothing to feel bad for." I chuckled lightly. "I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't true. You come first no matter what."

I stood up and went to my side of the bed, taking off my shoes and climbing in next to her. I pulled Nevah to my side where I left a kiss on top of her head. The bag rested on my legs while Nevah and I cuddled each other.

"Do you want your presents?" I smiled a little.

"Not yet, I just want to cuddle you." She replied. I put the bag on the floor and pulled Nevah on top of me. Her head laid under my chin with one of my hands in her hair and the other rubbing her back.

"I love you." I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you to." Nevah pecked my chest.

After an hour, Nevah was starting to feel better. For dinner I had ordered us all a pizza, one each for my grandparents, one for me and a small for Nevah. I always eat a large while Nevah eats a small. She doesn't always finish it so we put it in the fridge for lunch or something the next day.

After dinner, Nevah and I went back to bed with Hurley following us. She's got really attached to the animals in the house. I think it's an attachment because they can easily pick up on her moods. They know when she's upset and they just love her. Unlike me, she has to tell me how she's feeling so I know what to do to make her feel better. Whereas the animals can just feel it and comfort her in ways I can't, or when I'm not here.

"Are you ready to open your presents now?" I asked her.

"I'm grateful, Xavier I really am. But you don't always have to buy me stuff." Nevah sighed.

"Well, one of which you need and the other is a something a bit more meaningful." I took her. I pulled out the phone and gave it to her. While I sat in the car I set it all up putting everyone's numbers in it and texting them. I also sent her a bunch of photos of us two together and other little ones on the side.

"It's all set up with everyone's numbers in it. There's also easy access to your number if you want to give it to any friends or something. And you've got some pictures of us and some other bits of Hurley and Apollo as well." I told her.

"Thank you Xavier." She whispered. She caught me off guard when she kissed me deeply, a kiss she has never done before. It lasted five minutes before I had to pull away before I do something she's not ready for.

"And this one is more meaningful." I pulled out the box of the bag. "I'm not proposing... just yet." I smirked at her. "It's a promise ring." I opened the box to reveal the ring. It's rose gold with diamonds on and two love hearts.

"A promise that I will make. I promise to hold you, to comfort you, to make you laugh when you need cheering up and to hold you when you need me most. I promise to stand by your side, to forever be the person you can rely on and come to for advice. And I promise to love and cherish you, because I love you, so fucking much. So will you take this ring as a token of all promises to you that I will uphold and never let you go a day without feeling beautiful because you are?" I sniffled, feeling tears fall down my cheeks as well as Nevah.

She nodded and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back still keeping hold of the box. We both stayed there, just hugging each other tightly, a silent way of saying how much we love each other. One day, I'll have my last name with her and our children to look after. And that's a promise I will forever hold.

Xavier and NevahOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora