Chapter 150

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SENTINEL was forced to come out of Lady Nystrom's heart when she summoned him.

When he got out, he realized that he was in the duchess's room. Lady Nystrom stood in front of him. But he was easily distracted by the young lord who was sleeping on the crib.

Seeing the baby made him feel uncomfortable.

"Sentinel, why are you looking at my child like that?" Lady Nystrom confronted him in a strict voice. When he turned to her, he saw the duchess with her arms over her chest while giving him a disapproving look. "Do you have a problem with my baby?"

Sentinel shook his head. "I don't, Your Grace."

Well, it wasn't like he could tell the duchess that he was afraid of her child.

In his defense, it wasn't just him. He was pretty sure that other spirits were naturally afraid of the Moon Serpent. Heck, even gods were wary of the giant snake!

"Then, why didn't you come out when I gave birth to Winter?" Lady Nystrom asked. "If I didn't summon you, you wouldn't have come out. Am I wrong?"

"I'm just resting," he said in a defensive voice. "I was exhausted from keeping your heart protected while you were giving birth to the young lord."

That wasn't a lie though.

He really worked hard to prevent the heart from awakening then. But of course, that wasn't the entire reason why he didn't want to come out.

"Okay, I believe you," Lady Nystrom said even though she didn't look convinced by his excuse. "Will you babysit Winter for a while?"

"Why me?" he complained. When the duchess raised a brow at him, he immediately backed down. "I'd love to watch over the young lord, Your Grace."

"You better do," she said firmly. "Aside from Kiho and Miss Luna, you're the only one I can trust Winter with, Sentinel."

Okay, that made him feel proud of himself.

Being useful to the Supreme was a huge honor for him and his kind.

"I will make sure that nothing bad will happen to the young lord," he promised the duchess.

"Thank you, Sentinel," she said. "I'll just bake a cake while Winter is asleep and Kiho is out. Today is still Winter's birthday so I want to celebrate it at dinner later."

"I understand, Your Grace."

Lady Nystrom just smiled at him, then she held onto the railing of the crib and leaned down to kiss the young lord's forehead. "Mommy will just bake cake for you, my little cinnamon roll," she whispered to her son. "Uncle Sentinel will babysit you. He's a good friend of mommy and daddy so don't be afraid of him, okay?"

Oh, he felt something warm in his chest.

I'm an "uncle" now.

Suddenly, he thought of Lord Wixx.

If the Red Phoenix met his nephew, he would probably cry because of happiness. Even though the Moon Serpent was a threat to gods, Lord Wixx was whipped for his little sister.

He bowed politely to her. "I will protect the young lord with my life, Your Grace."

The duchess just laughed softly, then she left the room quietly.

He stood beside the crib and watched the young lord who was still sleeping peacefully.

Who would have thought that this tiny little human could either save or destroy the empire?

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