Chapter 141

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THE MOON Serpent is here.

The heavy rain and the heat in the air told Forrester that Winter Nystrom was finally born. And that also meant that the people waiting for this moment would make their move.

Just like this one.

"Where do you think you're going, Your Royal Highness?" Forrester asked the princess that he caught trying to sneak out of her chamber.

Princess Nia, despite being caught, remained calm. "Your Holiness, I know that the temple is your home and I am just a mere guest. But I hope you're not forgetting the fact that I'm still the princess and the future empress. You can't carelessly roam around my room. Especially not at this hour."

He smirked at that.

Based on the black elegant dress that Her Royal Highness wore tonight, it didn't look like she was about to sleep anyway.

"You should say that to the people waiting for you outside, Princess Nia," he said, purposely calling her by her name to remind her of his position. She might be the princess, but as the saint of the empire, she couldn't easily dismiss him as a mere subject of the royal family. "I don't accept visitors at this hour– especially not if the guests in question have questionable characters. I'm afraid I have to humbly ask you to make them leave, Your Royal Highness."

The princess scowled at him.

Obviously, a spoiled brat like her wouldn't be happy to not get what she wanted.

Your Majesty, look at how rotten your beloved has become because you've spoiled her too much.

"Your Holiness, I don't want to fight you," Princess Nia said in a menacing voice, her dangerous Mana leaking out as a threat. "Just so you know, I'm already fully recovered. I can kill you right here, right now and I'm sure my brother will still cover up for me."

He laughed at her childish threat. "I love how you claim to be disgusted by His Majesty, only to bring him up whenever you're in a tight spot. It makes me wonder if you really hate the emperor or you just don't want to accept the fact that you can't literally live without him?"

The princess sent a dark ball of energy at him.

He just slapped it like a fly but the poor innocent wall that was hit by the energy ball cracked because of the impact.

Oh, damn.

He would definitely never hear the end of it from Howard.

"That was just a warning, Your Holiness," Princess Nia said. "The next time I attack, I'll make sure you'd be half-dead."

"Scary," he said sarcastically. "Without my Holy Scepter and with my divine powers sealed, I am no match for you, Your Royal Highness."

The princess smiled triumphantly.

"That's why I sent a message to His Majesty."

As expected, the princess's smile was gone in an instant. "What?"

Anger ruined the princess's beautiful face. "Your Holiness!"

"I didn't promise that I won't tell His Majesty that you're already awake," he reminded her. "That was Howard, not me."

He only kept quiet all this time because he thought he could keep an eye on Princess Nia if she stayed in the temple. But the sudden birth of the Moon Serpent changed everything.

Thank goodness I trusted my instinct.

When he felt the change in the weather, he already had a feeling that the Moon Serpent would be born earlier than expected. He also knew that Princess Nia would make a move to steal Lady Nystrom's heart as soon as she gave birth.

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