Chapter 175

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Kiho, who was unconscious, didn't respond– he couldn't, obviously.

She lifted her hand and gently poked his cheek. "Your skin is still as cold as I remember. And even in this lifetime, you still rarely smile," she said with a smile. "You're my little dark gray cloud through and through."

It was a pity that she had to awaken this way.

That she had to leave her husband after she retrieved her memories.

"L-Lady Nystrom?"

She turned around to find a witch with pink eyes. Of course, she noticed the little baby boy in her arms. Yet, she still couldn't take her eyes off of the woman.

"Luna," she said with a smile when she remembered her name, then she stood up. "I'm glad that we've met in this lifetime again."

Luna looked surprised.

Ah, right. As Tilly Nystrom, she never called the witch by her name. It was always 'Miss Luna.' But in the past, they dropped the formalities and called each other by their first name.

She just woke up so her memories as Soleil and her memories as Tilly were still overlapping.

"You have awakened, Supreme," Luna said carefully while looking at her now jet-black hair. Then, she looked at her face with curious eyes. "Have we met in the past?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yes. You are my brother's…" she trailed-off when she remembered that her Brother Wixx didn't like people talking about his relationship behind his back.

"What was my relationship with Lord Wixx in the past, Supreme?" the witch asked curiously. And she seemed very interested in the topic. "He didn't mention anything when we met in this lifetime."

Of course, her brother wouldn't.

But she was pretty sure that Luna meeting Wixx in this lifetime wasn't a co-incidence. The two met because her brother definitely lured the witch without her knowing.

Still a coward, I see.

"We'll talk about it later," she told the witch. Then, she turned to the baby boy. "My son," she said with a smile. "You were finally born in this lifetime."

When she looked at Luna, the witch immediately put the baby in her arms.

"Your body is as cold as your father's," Tilly said while rocking the baby in her arms. "Winter, isn't it?" Upon looking at his face closely, she realized that her son's eyes were puffy. It was obvious that he just cried his eyes out. "You probably know what I'm about to do, right?"

"I promise I will return for you and your father, my little cinnamon roll," she said while keeping Winter closer to her. Now that her memories were settling, her memories as Tilly Prescott-Nystrom were also getting clearer. "Mommy will be back quick, I promise."

Her little cinnamon roll pouted while big, fat tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I trust you, Winter," she said with a smile even though her heart was heavy. "Please take care of your father. Help me protect our family this time, hmm?"

Winter seemed to understand her words. He stopped crying, and the sadness in his eyes was replaced by determination. Then, he reached for her face. "I'll protect Daddy," he said in her mind, surprising her. "So please return to us safely, Mommy."

She had so many questions for her son but she knew that she didn't have the time for it.

"I will return safely," she promised, then she kissed Winter's forehead. It wasn't just a kiss. What she left on her son was an invisible mark that would let every single Fire Mage that he was hers. And if his life was put on danger, that mark would send a signal to the nearest Fire Mages around him. In short, it was a protection. "I love you, my little cinnamon roll."

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