Chapter 111-113

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"SO YOU BETTER listen to me before I smack your pretty little head, you bad-tempered troublemaker."

This is my bad karma, Tilly thought to herself with an aching heart (just kidding). I kept giving out rude pet names to powerful and ancient beings so the heavens probably punished me. Maybe Saint Forrester woke up just to bully me as retaliation for being mean to the original fossi– I mean to Wixx, and because I kept calling the High Priest a sketchy character.

"Why are you looking like a puppy that was kicked by her master?" Saint Forrester asked with furrowed brows. "Are you offended that I kept calling you names?"

Tilly shook her head, then she placed her hands on her chest. "I fully accept my punishment, Your Holiness."

"You're one strange child, aren't you?"

She smiled "sweetly" at the saint. "I don't want to hear from someone who's old as fossil but looks so young and pretty."

"Don't call me "pretty,"" he warned her with his eyes widened a bit. "Calling me "pretty" makes it sound like I'm a frail young lady."

Her smiled turned even sweeter. "Your Holiness, please don't put gender on a mere word. Being called "pretty" is a compliment."

He glared at her.

Of course, she glared back.

Their mini "staring contest" was interrupted by a knock on the door.

A few moments later, Howard entered the room and announced that their carriage had arrived. After the High Priest said that, Kiho came and told them that he'd be the head of their temporary security team.

Yey! I still miss you even if we're in the same room, Kiho.

Kiho was looking at her with darkened eyes, as if he wanted to grab her and bring her to an empty room, and…

… and do naughty things to me.

Her cheeks burned in embarrassment because of the lewd things in her head.

To think that she was even in the presence of two holy beings.

Gosh, I'm so shameless.

"I don't even want to ask what the two of you are thinking," Saint Forrester said while looking back and forth to her and Kiho. "But can you please stop exchanging those looks?"

Tilly's whole face probably turned red.

Kiho, being the adorable clueless cinnamon roll that he was, didn't get what the saint meant by that so he remained pokerfaced.

Gosh, I still have a lot of things I need to teach my husband, Tilly said to herself. Random thought: I miss his abs.

They hadn't done it in days, okay?

Howard, obviously feeling awkward, cleared his throat loudly. When they all turned to the High Priest, he smiled at them. "We shall get going, everyone."


"WHY ARE you pouting, child?" Saint Forrester asked Tilly. "Are you throwing a tantrum?"

Tilly discreetly bit her lower lip to stop herself from pouting.

Also, the elite team of Holy Knights was following them in secret to make sure that His Holiness wouldn't be ambushed. Aside from the Holy Knights, His Majesty also asked the four captains of the Four Orders to lead the way.

In short, they were very much protected.

But I don't feel secured without my Kiho.

"Why did you kick Kiho out, Your Holiness?" Tilly asked, still upset. "His Majesty has given him the permission to ride with us."

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