Chapter 148

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TILLY giggled when Winter burped after she breastfed him. "Our baby is full, huh?" she said lovingly while fixing her top. She wore a dress with buttons so that it would be easier for her to undo it when she needed to feed her son. I want to breastfeed Winter until he's big enough before I switch to formula milk.

Winter smiled, then he reached for her face and touched her cheek.

She felt like it was his own way of thanking her for feeding him.

"You're welcome, my little cinnamon roll," she said.

After a few moments of playing with her son, Winter let out a big yawn. Seeing his little mouth form a big 'O' made her giggle.

"My precious baby is sleepy after getting full," she said between giggles. "Mommy will sing you a lullaby."

She gently and carefully laid Winter on the bed, then she laid on her side. Like she promised, she sang her son a lullaby while lightly tapping Winter's tummy. Just a few moments later and the "little rascal" was already sleeping peacefully.

Aww, Winter is so cute.

She became teary-eyed while watching Winter sleep beside her.

To be honest, she couldn't remember if she sang her son a lullaby or even breastfed him in her past life.

But she was grateful that she could do those things now.

I'll be a good mother to you this time, Winter.


She looked up to see Kiho enter their room.

"I've knocked but when I didn't get a response, I got worried and opened the door," Kiho explained while walking towards the bed. Then, he leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. After that, he leaned down again to kiss Winter on the top of his head before he sat beside her. "I asked our knights to escort Viscount Severn back to his mansion."

"Thank you, hon."

"I also received a message from Captain Denver," he said. "He informed us that he came home safely. The captain also said that he has informed his family about his father's passing. He'll be declared as the new marquis soon."

She let out a deep sigh. "I still can't believe that we lost Father and Lord Denver at the same time. This is a huge loss to the empire."

After all, House Prescott and House Denver were both old families.

"This is my fault, Tilly."

She turned to Kiho and her heart broke when she saw heavy guilt on his face. "How is this your fault, hon?"

"If Father and Lord Denver didn't go to the North to investigate my origin, they wouldn't have been killed," he said in an anguished voice.

"Hon, please don't say that," she said, then she sat up and faced him properly. "None of this is your fault, Kiho." She gently cupped his face between her hands. "The only people we should blame for the death of Father and Lord Denver are the alleged descendants of the Black Serpent."

He still looked devastated. "I don't know why but I still feel guilty."

"Hon, don't blame yourself," she said more firmly. "I'm sure that Father and Lord Denver wouldn't blame you as well."

"Are you not mad at me, Tilly?" he asked in a scared voice. "Are you not secretly blaming me for Father's death?"

"Of course not," she said without missing a beat. "Did I make you feel that I'm blaming your for that?"

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