Chapter 114-117

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TILLY didn't take her eyes off of Lucina Morganna whose face was as red as a tomato now.

But she made sure that her emotions wouldn't show on her face. So she was pretty certain that even though she was seething inside, she looked calm on the outside.

"I apologize for my insolence, Duchess Nystrom," Lucina Morganna said, humiliation and frustration both evident on her lovely face. Then, she bowed politely to probably hide her emotions from her. "My name is Lucina Morganna, daughter of Baron Luis Morganna." She raised her head and when she looked at her again, her face was now filled with confidence. "But soon, I'll be adopted by House Huxley."

Okay, that surprised her.

Lucina Morganna wasn't adopted by House Huxley in my past life.

But she did her best to remain pokerfaced.

"Good for you," she said. "Hang in there, Lady Morganna. The high society isn't for the faint-hearted. But seeing how you bravely approached a duchess and her husband as if we're supposed to know you, I suppose you'll be fine."

Translation: "you're too thick-skinned so I guess you can survive by sucking up to people with power."

Judging by the way Lucina Morganna's face turned red, she assumed that she got her message loud and clear.


Tilly smiled when she saw Kiho walking towards her. "Hi, hon."

When Kiho saw Lucina Morganna and recognition crossed his eyes, he frowned immediately. Then, he stood by her side and kissed her on the forehead. "We can come in now, Tilly. Captain Denver will fetch us at the lobby."

"Okay," she said, then she turned to Lucina Morganna who was looking up at Kiho. The audacity. "Ah, Kiho. Lady Morganna here is saying that I should know her since according to her, you've already met her twice." She looked up at her husband who visibly twitched when she smiled "sweetly" at him. Yep, you should be nervous, hon. I know that you have a reason for not telling me about your second meeting with her. But I'm still a little pissed. "Her name is Lady Morganna. We should stop calling her 'Lu-something' because it's rude."

"Okay, honey. Both meetings were irrelevant to me so I don't understand why she put it that way," Kiho said as if Lucina Morganna wasn't there. Then, he turned to the woman without bothering to hide his irritation. "Lady Morganna, I don't know why you approached my wife this time. But I don't want this to happen again so if you have something to say to me, say it now."

Lucina Morganna suddenly looked hopeful.

"Then, I should leave the two of you alone," Tilly said with a smile. When Kiho turned to her with a confused look, she cupped his face between her hands and tiptoed to kiss him on the lips. It was quick, but deep. Passionate enough to show Lucinna Morganna that I'm the wife now and always will be. "I'll wait for you inside, hon."

"I know," Tilly said, then she turned to Lucina Morganna with a smile. "Have a good day, Lady Morganna."


LUCINA was humiliated.

Lady Nystrom leaving Kiho with her only meant that she didn't see her as a threat. That meant the duchess was confident that her husband wouldn't get swayed by another woman, no matter what happens.

That's not the lady I saw in my dreams.

The "Lady Prescott" that she remembered was an insecure lady who would often humiliate her whenever she saw her with Kiho. And whenever "Lady Prescott" would do something to embarrass her, Kiho would look disappointed in his wife.

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