Errorink: Smut (Christmas Special)

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Ink had never been one to steal from the AUs.

He was more than capable of doing it, and the process wasn't even that hard. All he had to do was open a portal, reach through, and grab something off the shelves of the stores. Error did it all the time, though he mostly only stole chocolate foods, and he seemed to always target Underfell. Poor Red, he could never have anything nice for long. While Ink didn't really agree with the act, he was willing to do it just this once.

Of course... with the timing of things, he was expecting to be opening portals into pure chaos. But since it was nearing the end of 2020, it wasn't like this would be anything new to the humans. With Christmas quickly approaching, all of the last-minute shoppers were at an all-time high. He had very little knowledge about Christmas, most of his knowing of it came from Dream and Blue. Holidays were a big deal in the AUs.

Since he'd had no real knowledge of its existence prior to the formation of the Star Sanses, Ink hadn't really ever done much for a Christmas celebration. He couldn't even really celebrate with the other two because they had their own things to do on Christmas. Blue had his whole life and family back in Underswap, and Christmas was the only time of the year when Nightmare put aside his grudges against Dream.

But now that Ink and Error were dating, he actually had something to look forward to this year in regards to the celebration. Neither of them were all that big with socializing, and Fresh seemed to always have plans around the holidays, so they didn't need to worry about him. A few days ago, Ink had looked around for some ideas for things to eat. Error would probably just want to watch Undernovela all day long like usual, but that didn't mean Ink couldn't do something special for it still.

According to some people, one of the best parts of a holiday celebration was a home-cooked meal. Now, Ink had zero experience with cooking. He'd never even turned on a stove or boiled water. But there was always a first time for everything, right? Even if his efforts were a total flop, it wasn't like Error would eat any of it anyway, most likely. All he ever ate were those stupid chocolate bars. But he could still try!

It was about six o'clock in the morning when he'd finally gotten everything together. While he was tired and could very easily go for another four hours or so of sleep, he wanted to get a headstart. Totally not because of any potential mistakes he could make, not at all!

Error was still fast asleep when Ink came back to their shared home, snoring away like a lumberjack, and with Mistake-- his cat-- resting in the space between his rib cage and his upper arm. While he did technically still live in the Anti-Void and considered that his real home, they did share a house in the Doodle Sphere. It had everything they could possibly need, even rooms for their two children and then some guest rooms, though they didn't really expect to ever have any guests. So those guests rooms were kind of useless, and had become either dusty or junk rooms.

While Ink had been investigating the customs and ways of celebrating Christmas, he had discovered that some people celebrated in more... lewd ways. Apparently, it wasn't uncommon for couples to have sex during the holiday season. Hell, there were several Christmas-exclusive lingerie sets in stores! Lust had gotten him hooked up with a set of such lingerie, the set being mainly red with lace, mini bows, and warm fur lining.

Ink looked over himself in the mirror, blushing a bit at how he looked. His ecto-body fit perfectly into the lingerie without him having the make adjustments, even though it was a bit snug. The whole thing did look a bit on the fancier side, but he could thank Lust for that. He was the one who picked it out, after all. He just hoped that when Error woke up he wouldn't be disgusted or anything. Ink didn't think he would be disgusted per say, but he would probably go back to sleep or think about his entire existence.

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