The Destruction of Creation

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(I am attempting to write angst. The ending was rushed because I didn't have any ideas left. This is unedited, I don't look back once I'm done.)

Ink dragged his feet along as he walked through the Doodle Sphere.

They had finally done it. The Balance of the Multiverse was finally appeased, this time around supposedly forever. Everything in the Multiverse was finally peaceful. The final Truce had been made, so now there would never be another war like that. Ink was supposed to be happy. And he was happy! He was happy to see the looks of joy on Dream and Blue's faces and he was happy that Error, Nightmare, and Reaper had some more time to do whatever they wanted. He was supposed to be happy and yet he only felt empty.

He knew the reason behind it. It wasn't because he had no SOUL and no real emotions of his own, but because of what this meant for him. The Multiverse had only kept him alive because it needed him, because it had a purpose for him. Now that the Balance was appeased, there wasn't a purpose for him anymore. And when the Multiverse didn't have a need for something, it got rid of whatever that thing was.

Ink knew he didn't have that much longer. He knew that there were three ways he could go about it now. The first way was by letting the Multiverse run its own course and eliminating him in its own will, but that would take too long and could ruin everything they'd worked so hard for. He could explain everything to Error and have him use the force of destruction to kill him, but he could never burden him with doing that. Besides, he'd probably take it as him wanting attention or some other crap. The final way was his best bet.


Ink calculated how much time he had left before he was forced to make his decision. He estimated about seven days-- a week-- until he was forced to do it. He'd already made his decision about what he would do, but he still had to make the most of what time he had left. Each day he would spend with a different person who meant something to him.

The first day was with Nightmare and his gang. They'd never really been close and most of their interactions were tense, but with the new peace things were relatively calm between them. He sparred with Killer, helped Horror learn some actual recipes for actual food, and consoled Dust after he had an episode related to the events of his AU. He even made amends with Cross after so long, something he'd always wanted to do.

The second day was with CORE!Frisk. He and the monochromatic child had always been close. With Ink having no AU of his own and CORE!Frisk being unable to return to theirs, they'd bonded over that fact. He helped them get survivors from Genocide Timelines when they needed his help and helped out others in the Omega Timeline. He couldn't help them with his powers of creation, of course, because of the Balance's stability. Error would kick his ass.

Speaking of Error, he had the third day. It was a bit rough to spend the day with him. Not because Ink didn't want to, but because Error was one of the more difficult ones. They mostly just watched Undernovela, went around Outertale, and stole chocolate from Underfell. Error did ask him a few questions, however, and he'd gotten dangerously close to asking what Ink had planned for the future. So he'd have to be a little better at acting.

Reaper was next. The two of them had always considered each other as brothers. Ink found him in his AU-- Reapertale. They spent time with the other Gods and, of course, their Frisk. The day went by surprisingly fast. It had ended with them going to the Save Screen of Aftertale and chatting up Geno, who was surprisingly calm this time around. Geno said it was because Ink was there, but he knew that wasn't it. Ink was the one who would cause the greatest chaos known so far if he stuck around.

The fifth day he spent with his kid, Paperjam. The two of them had never really been close, but he did try. Their time together had been rather short, mainly because Paperjam had said that they wanted to be alone after a bit. Then he ran into Fresh and they hung out for a while.

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