Errorink: Little Nightmares

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(Based off of Little Nightmares II. That being said, this contains spoilers for the ending of the game. I legit wanna play the game but I'm no good with horror or stealth games, so I have to settle for watching playthroughs.

Also: This uses the theory that Six is the Lady, since Mono is the Thin Man and they're stuck in a time loop.

Edit: Does this even count as a oneshot--)

Two little figures walked down the hallway, their footsteps light and their fingers interlocked.

Ink glanced around wherever the light from his flashlight would reach. Sweat trickled down the front of his face, all thanks to the rush of fear and adrenaline he'd gotten from that crazy pursuit of the mannequins not too long ago. He hadn't told Error about that yet. Though he had his doubts that the other would want to hear about it. He already had plenty of nightmares from that place called the Maw, not to mention the hunter and the hell they'd experienced at the school.

"HeY... InK.... cAn I aSk YoU sOmEtHiNg?" Error spoke, and although he kept his voice low, it still echoed around them.

"Yeah...." Ink replied. Underneath the paper bag he wore on his head, he was smiling. Error hardly ever asked him anything! "What's on your mind, buddy?"

"FiRsT oF aLl, DoN't CaLl Me ThAt," he scowled lowly. "SeCoNdLy... WhY aRe YoU hElPiNg Me?"

That question made Ink falter in his steps a bit, but he was quick to regain himself. He moved the flashlight around, checking the walls and floor for any signs of danger or a way out. He really couldn't understand what Error meant by that question. He was so focused on it that he hadn't really acknowledged his bitter comment. Not that those kinds of responses were uncommon from the glitch.

"What do you mean by that?" Ink asked, hoping he wouldn't annoy the other.

"It'S jUsT.... yOu CoUlD'vE lEfT mE aS sOoN aS tHe HuNtEr WaS dEaD... aS sOoN aS wE hIt LaNd, YoU cOuLd'Ve LeFt Me..." Error began. "WhEn ThOsE 'sTuDeNtS' kIdNaPpEd Me, YoU cAmE tO sAvE mE... wE'rE bOtH cApAbLe Of SuRvIvInG oN oUr OwN, sO.... wHy?"

Ink let out a small sigh, slowing to a stop in his walking. Error looked up from the ground when he did that, a questioning look on his face. Ink turned his head around to face him, but because of the paper bag on his face he had to turn his body a bit too. He knew the glitch couldn't see it, but Ink was still smiling at him. He knew that Error was capable of surviving on his own. He'd made it not only out of the Maw, but out of some place called the Nest too. He was proud of Error for how far he'd come and all the challenges he'd faced.

"Well, Error... it's because you're my friend, even if you don't think I'm yours," Ink told him. "Even if you are grouchy and grumpy like a cat, I know that you'll do the same for me!"

Ink had been hoping for some kind of reaction from the other. Even a deep frown or roll of his eyes would've done the trick. But his face was still as blank as when he'd broken that one student's head into pieces with his bare hands. Ink sighed internally. Before all of this, before this hellish world came into existence in their once beautiful Multiverse, Error had been so lively. He would react to things in different ways, though mostly angry ways, not just blinking or nodding. Ink missed that. What had Error gone through to made him change so drastically?

But Ink wanted to lift his spirits up a bit. They had a long ways ahead of them, and they wouldn't be able to find their way out of this hospital/morgue if they were being all gloomy and distracted.



Ink sat alone on the small chair, sniffling and crying into his knees.

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