Cream: Little Miss Popular (Part 1)

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(Okay so like... how about human babes? How about lesbians.)

"Have a good day at school, sweetie!"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, mom."

Cross watched as her mom rolled up the passenger seat window and pulled away from the curb, driving away from the school. At least it had been her who drove her to her first day at her new high school and not her dad. Not like he would've done that, anyway, even with Cross's immense anxiety in regards to buses. Cross looked over her shoulder and up at the school building, checking the giant clock on the tower. If she didn't head inside in the next ten minutes, she'd be marked either late or absent. One of those two.

She felt sick just looking at the new school. According to what her parents told her, it was nothing like her old school. The worst parts about this was that, not only was it the middle of the school year already, but she had no friends who went to this school. Cross looked down at herself, wondering if she'd look out of place here. It was inevitable that she would, really, but she didn't look too out of place, right? She had the same uniform as everyone else and a very generic backpack.

First things first, she needed to get her locker combination. Lockers were something she didn't have at her old school except for gym class. Back at her old school, they'd had trays under their desks where they kept their stuff. She got her combination from one of the staff members in the office and entered the very crowded hallway, gulping nervously. She made her way through, trying to avoid eye contact and bumping into anyone, obviously not wanting any trouble. Everyone had friends to group up and chat with, but she didn't.

Cross found her locker and started to mess with the combination lock on it. Even though she hadn't used lockers for her belongings at her old school, they'd still been required-- advised, rather-- to use them for gym class, so she at least knew how they worked. She almost had the combination in and would've gotten it on her first try, but someone smacked right into her.

"Watch it!" The student snarled at her, bright red eyes flashing dangerously.

Cross sighed and bent down to pick up her books. So much for avoiding people's radar and staying out of trouble with her peers. She saw something move in the corner of her eye and glanced over, seeing a second pair of hands starting to pick her things up. Which meant the person could either be a kind soul offering help or they were trying to steal her stuff. Though she didn't know who would want to steal a textbook about quantum physics.

When Cross stood up with the belongings she'd picked up, the stranger offered her the rest. She took them from her peer and looked over to see their face. She was pale, though not as pale as her. Her hair was kind of like a pixie cut with red streaks near the front and her eyes were black like tar. She noticed that this student wasn't wearing the standard school uniform, accessorizing her look with piercings on her ears and nose, wearing sneakers instead of the flats they'd been given. She also had black finger cut gloves with small studs on the wrists and a similarly studded choker.

"Howdy there, buddy," she introduced herself. "What's your name?"

"I'm Cross," she replied. "I'm, uh, a sophomore."

"Really? Well how 'bout that... I'm a sophomore too. People call me Killer."

"That's a, uh, nice nickname."

"Say, are you new here? I haven't seen you before and I know just about everybody in this school."

"Yeah, actually. I just moved here from the Capital."

Killer looked her over from head to toe. Cross did her best to not show a reaction, but the way her eyes were... they looked kind of creepy. She felt like she was being silently judged, which was probably just her anxiety speaking to her. A smile soon cracked onto her face, displaying sharp canines.

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