404ink: Hellfire

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(Some Error404 x Ink content for MY soul. This ship is my guilty pleasure and I can't find anything for it anywhere. So I've taken matters into my own hands by combining my guilty pleasure ship with one of my favorite Disney villain songs.)

"WhAt'S tHe MaTtEr WiTh Me...?"

404 mumbled things under his breath, swiping across the file screen with his finger, eyes lazily looking over the code he'd pulled up. This code was part of the seal that kept the Omega Timeline protected. He would be able to crack it eventually, but it would take some time and heavy concentration. And, clearly, he was not very concentrated. He didn't have eyes for the Omega Timeline or even care for its existence, it was his student who had wanted to find it. For the purpose of destroying it, of course.

The sound of a racket behind him brought 404 back to his senses. He turned his head to look over his shoulder, seeing that a few of his lackeys were roughhousing with each other. Scoffing in clear displeasure, he rolled his eyes and redirected his attention. The sound of glass shattering made him growl audibly, closing the file screen and storming out of the area. Behind him, he could hear X!Gaster scolding and criticizing the henchmen. 404 chuckled to himself.

He opened up a random portal and walked through, not really caring where he ended up. He was easily the strongest person in the entire Multiverse. It would be asinine (thanks Revali) for him to be intimidated by walking through AUs. Error was one of the most anti-social, introverted people he knew and he was hardly ever worried about entering AUs. 

However, as soon as he stepped into this AU, he felt dread sink in. He immediately recognized this place. This was.... his world. Alphatale, the very first AU that was created. He felt sick to his nonexistent stomach, but he was on the surface right now, not in the Underground. That meant he wouldn't be seen by anyone. That was most likely the case, anyway. In his AU's history, the monsters had won the war and destroyed the humans. But his mother, the scientist who had come up with the method of their victory, had moved everyone into the Underground once she became their queen.

Though... he couldn't help but wonder.... about how they all were doing now. It couldn't hurt to take just a small look around the Underground, could it? 404 stuffed his hands into his pockets, saying a small prayer under his breath. He didn't really have any religious beliefs or faith in the gods that did exist, but he would do it just in case one decided to help him out. He would have to keep himself hidden, though. No one could see him.

Especially her.

404 shuddered at the memories of his mother. It was best if those dark times of his childhood stayed in the depths of his mind, abandoned and forgotten. Yes, it was best for him to not focus on those right now. So far nothing much had changed from when he'd last been there. The signs of clear devastation were still plentiful, and reconstruction was slow. The whole AU was slowly crumbling to pieces. If this continued, the world would fall apart and be swallowed by the Void.

After some time, he found himself in the castle. He stopped abruptly, blinking as he glanced around. When had he gotten here? Why hadn't he noticed it? This was exactly where she would be, if not in her lab. He took a glance around the room. It looked like a small living room of some sort, with a crackling fire going and shelves filled to the brim with books. Hanging above the fireplace was a painting of the Astral Mother, the Queen of Alphatale. He may have hated her guts and wanted her dead, but if there was anyone who could figure out a way to solve this, it would be her. Probably. Maybe.

"Oh AsTrAl MoThEr, YoU kNoW I aM a RiGhTeOuS mAn, Of My ViRtUe I aM jUsTlY pRoUd..." 404 began, approaching the fireplace as he lowered the hood of his jacket.

404 had been the one who stopped Infected. His brother had died to his hands and his world was permanently damaged because of him, still in the process of recovery. The vile woman who gave him life had made no efforts to try and stop him from rampaging across the world. She watched the events unfold with interest, loving the results of it. A sickening demon she was, that woman. He'd lost his sanity and mortality as a result of the fight, but he'd done what he'd needed to. And now he was on the path of fixing the whole Multiverse.

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