Errorink: I Don't Have A Title

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(M O R E Errorink!? That's absurd! But that is the case. Is this even a oneshot. I honestly don't know.)

Error was the best engineer in the entire world.

Ever since he was a young boy, he'd been interested in the many opportunities and discoveries of science and engineering. It wasn't uncommon for him to take things apart and remake them in some way. With the continuation of this, he excelled at just that. He could take anything, even a pile of scraps that's worthless to the common eye, and make some sort of device from them. Whether or not the device was anything useful was a hit or miss, but that wasn't really his top priority with the little projects.

Error's home was located on an island off of the coast of the mainland. It was a rather small island and it had a small population. It wasn't a beautiful scenic spot or home to anything spectacular, so they never got any tourists either. One day, he came to notice just how rundown and barren his home really was. When he asked his grandmother about the island's history, she told him that it was once a beautiful place and the home of ruins belonging to an ancient tribe. But when the Great War had reached the island's shores, that beauty and historical significance it had was destroyed.

Error had always believed that, as civilization moved forward, technology would harbor a solution to all of their problems. He felt that technology could save his home, too, if he did things right. He stuck to this belief of his as he set a goal to save the island, or at least make the effort to. His best supporter was his childhood friend, an art major named Ink. Ink's family came from old money, so he was the biggest funder of Error's long-term project.

But at the same time, there was a deep concern he had regarding Ink. His childhood friend had always been on the more sickly side, born with an illness that had yet to have a cure made. His rare condition had only been seen a few times in all of history and, because of its uniqueness and complexity, was very difficult to even treat professionally. But despite how harshly his illness punished him for most activities, Ink had always managed to make time to play with him when they were children. But now that they were older, that he was older, his illness could cut his threads at any given time.

Error had managed to achieve his goal through many years of painstaking research and experiments. He'd managed to transform the island from a crummy and desolate place to a high tech paradise. Many people came just to see all of the futuristic advancements they had now, bringing with them money and awareness. While Error was proud of his achievements and-- even if he didn't like to admit it-- relishing in the praise, he couldn't help the feeling that something was wrong.

A few days later, he found out what that feeling was.

He'd been visiting Ink at his house. His parents were away on a business trip overseas and wouldn't be back for a week. While the servants of the residence kept him company, Error was feeling guilty about not being able to spend as much time with him. His recent fame had kept him busy with all the interviews and such. While they were walking together through the large property's acres, Ink collapsed, coughing up more blood than Error had ever seen him do before.

"Ink!" Error had cried as he caught him, going down to the ground with him. "InK, wHaT's WrOnG!?"

"I-I'm just not feeling well today, is all...." Ink replied, his words slightly muffled behind his hand. "There's nothing to worry about..."

Error had his doubts about that last part. He grabbed onto Ink's wrist and pulled his hand away. His hand, which was small and dainty, was completely covered in a deep crimson liquid. So much blood had been coughed up from that hacking fit alone that it steadily dropped from his hand and into a puddle at his knees. Error sucked in a deep, sharp breath. He knew that Ink's health had been tethering, but this.... this wasn't good at all.

Ink had gotten checked in to a hospital. While Error waited anxiously for their reports and diagnostics, he stress-crafted. He made a wide variety of devices that served trivial purposes, though he had no doubts that people would want to purchase them for that same reason. An intern at the place where he worked came in and delivered him a letter from the hospital. Error was quick to tear it open and read its contents. But his hopes were crushed as he continued to read.

Ink only had a few days left to live.

Error's thoughts were clouded when he finished reading the letter. His best friend from childhood, the one who had always believed in him and supported him, was going to be dead soon. Because hospital support would do nothing to prolong his life, they released Ink back to his house. Error went to visit him as soon as possible, staying with him for however long he could. But Ink's body was starting to give into exhaustion almost constantly, so it wasn't uncommon for him to be asleep.

One of these days, as Error sat by Ink's bedside and watched him sleep, an idea came to his mind. If he had been able to transform the entire island using this new technology, then surely there had to be a way to save Ink, right?

Error worked day and night on his new project. His assistants begged him to take more breaks and get some proper sleep, but he refused. He was on a time limit. A very short time limit and not a moment could be spent goofing off. He eventually came up with a result of his efforts, though it was very different from what one might have imagined. He quickly went to Ink's house to inform him about the great news, but when he got there, he saw just how badly his health had deteriorated over just the few days.

He wasted no time in having him transported to his lab. Even if Error wasn't entirely certain this would work, it was clear to him that he was out of time. He immediately hooked Ink up to the machine and flipped it on, crossing his fingers as he prayed to whatever God would listen to his pleas. The circuits began to spark from the volts of electricity, causing a temporary power outage in the lab.

When the lights came back on, Ink's body was motionless and stiff on the table. Error felt his neck for any signs of life and, when he felt none, checked in on the machine. The eyes of the robot opened up slowly, one being blue and the other yellow. The head turned a bit in both directions to get a look at the room, then focused in on the body laying before it. Error typed in a code and released the android body from its bindings, moving quick enough to catch it before it fell.

"E... Error.....?" The robot spoke, its voice identical to Ink's. "What....?"

"It WoRkEd...." Error's voice was a hushed whisper. "It ReAlLy WoRkEd...."

Error explained as much as he could to Ink about his new body. No one had ever tried something like this before, and Error hadn't even been certain the technology was possible. But he had done it, even if only for a short amount of time. He had no idea how long this new way of life would last him. While Error was overwhelmed with joy about saving his best friend, there was a new problem that he hadn't taken into consideration prior to his project.

If word about this got out, things could get out of hand quickly. Technology that could transfer an organic life to a robot body, memories and everything still intact.... riots would break out for sure. People would surely fear if this technology fell into the wrong hands, not to mention fearing that Error might be planning to use it for.... less heroic intentions. Error would never plan to do such a thing, but merely saying that wouldn't be enough to convince frightened people. He would have to lie about who this android really was, and say he was just a common AI servant.

He had been asked many times why he took such a liking to that robot. In the story he'd made up to cover the android's true identity, he gave them the name "Comyet". Each time he was asked the question, he would just say that it held a personal meaning to him. No one would have ever suspected that the supportive AI was actually Ink in a new body, and as much as it pained them, it was better if it stayed that way.

God only knows what Error's rivals would do with that information.

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