Cream: Smut

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Dream was the embodiment of all positive feelings in the Multiverse.

Everyone claimed to love him, but they only said that because of what he represented. His aura brought others happiness and calmed them down, washing away all of their worries and troubles like how a mother would stroke her child's head. The only people who truly loved Dream were Nightmare and Cross. Nightmare was his older twin brother, and even though he was holding a lot of grudges against him, he still cared about him.

Dream was a good person, one of the, if not thee, best people Cross had ever met. But despite his good intentions and 504 years of age, he was a naive idiot. He would do whatever he thought would make people happy, which always got him into big, complicated messes he didn't know how to handle. He was stupid, but loyal to his friends and to maintaining the balance of positivity and negativity in the Multiverse.

He knew what Cross had been like. Arrogant, selfish, and quick to abandon people if they didn't prove useful to his agenda immediately. He'd done it to Ink all because he couldn't bring people back to the dead, even though they'd been together for such a long time after the destruction of his world. But Dream had kept faith in him regardless of everything he'd done. That wonderful idiot... it made his soul ache with how much affection and care Dream showed him.

Cross knew it was selfish, that was just part of who he was and he'd accepted it, but he didn't want anyone else to have a chance with Dream. He wanted that golden guardian to be his and his alone. Nobody else had ever loved him as much as Dream had, even if his love (for now) was platonic. In all honesty, Cross doubted anyone ever would love him as much as Dream did. That's why he was so desperate to keep Dream to himself.

"I need him," Cross muttered out. "I need Dream."

Apparently, he had forgotten where he was and what he was doing. The latest episode of The Mandalorian was playing on the TV, and Epic had just walked back into the living room with a refilled bowl of popcorn. But he'd heard what Cross had said, shoving a handful of butter-lathered popcorn into his mouth. As he sat down onto the couch, he nestled into Cross's side. It was a platonic affection thing, with nothing romantic behind it.

"Don't we all, bruh," Epic snickered. "Without him we'd all be miserable wrecks."

"You know that's not what I mean," Cross frowned. "I... I love him."

"Yeah yeah, I know ya do," he nodded. "I overheard Ink and Error on my way back, they were saying something about Blue planning to confess to Dream."


"Cross, inside voices."

"Sorry, Nightmare..."


Dream wasn't that hard to find, even without Nightmare or Ink's help.

The guardian stood out like a sore thumb no matter where he went. His body let out an overwhelming aura of positivity and warmth that could draw anyone to it, seeking more of that sacred light. His cape was a bright yellow, an eye-catching sight. When Dream turned around, like he could already tell that Cross was approaching, he just about lost his nerve. Like something or someone punched him right in his metaphorical gut, stealing the breath from him.

"Beautiful" was the only word that could be used to describe him, with Cross's distracted train of thought. Nightmare said that Dream was quite the late bloomer, and it was true. Ever since he hit his puberty, he'd started to look more like his brother, minus the goopy state. He'd gotten taller and a bit thinner, his face looking more serious. "A fine young man", was what Nightmare had said once the news went out. Cross agreed with him without a second thought.

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