Errorink: Smut

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A/N: This is like the longest thing I've ever written, lol. Enjoy.


The Multiverse was quiet. Abnormally quiet.

Ink was floating around in his Doodle Sphere, checking on the AUs and drawing in one of his numerous sketch books. He frowned a bit as his eyes washed over the hundreds of AUs. There hadn't been anything going on as of late, but he knew that something was coming. He could just feel it in his gut, even though he didn't have a physical gut. It was just one of those things. Nightmare's gang and Error had all been strangely inactive for the past few months. Dream had noticed it too. They'd both been doing what they could to scoop out their enemies without being seen, but it had proven to be difficult, much more than before. It was like they knew they were going to get suspicious.

Then again, the bad guys were always smarter than the Stars, somehow.

"Hey there, squid," A deep, glitched out voice chuckled from somewhere behind him.

Ink was quick to whirl around, a small popping sound coming from one of his ankles with the sudden and swift movement. From somewhere else in the Doodle Sphere, Broomie shot out to meet him. In just a few seconds, the large paintbrush was in his grasp. Much to his surprise, it was Error who was standing behind him. He'd known it was Error from the voice, as he knew Error had the second deepest voice with a glitched out effect, but it was still shocking to see him in the Doodle Sphere. Error never came and saw him willingly, unless he needed some form of entertainment.

"What are you doing here, Error?" Ink demanded, his pupils taking on the shapes of a dark red crosshair and a target sign. "I won't let you destroy any AUs, especially while in my Doodle Sphere."

Error grinned at him, his yellow teeth showing. He crossed his arms as he took a few steps closer to him, which in turn only made Ink back up. He didn't move Broomie away from being directed at Error, in case he needed to make a quick attack. It was unlikely he would need to, and he could usually tell when Error was about to strike. But he didn't want to let his guard down, just in case.

"I'm just here for a visit. Is that a problem?" Error huffed. "You're always invading my Anti-Void and ruining my peace and quiet, so I figured I would come and invade yours for a change."

"A visit? Cut the crap, Error," Ink hissed, his eyes narrowing. "What do you really want?"

"Aww, now you wanna be all serious and intelligent?" He pouted, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Any other time you're just a naive, happy-go-lucky, incompetent anomaly."

Ink opened his mouth to speak, but just as his "lips" parted, Error continued to speak. It wasn't hard for Ink to shut himself back up.

"Well, here's some food for thought, squid," Error began, his smirk growing wider. "What do you think of me destroying the entire Multiverse in just a few minutes?"

Ink's grip on Broomie became even tighter, tight enough for his fingertips to dig into the thing. He didn't even purposefully put the "scary" expression on his face, charging at Error without even thinking about his actions... or any possible consequences. He swung the large paintbrush at Error, sending out an even larger slash of thick black ink. Error easily dodged, as he probably predicted an attack like that. It was one of Ink's more basic ones, after all. He didn't even flinch when the attack came. He just continued to smirk at Ink, amusement filling his eyes.

"Don't you dare even try it!" Ink shouted at him, turning his head to glare after the glitch.

"That's it, Ink. Act on impulses with your short temper," Error taunted him, his hands behind his back. "Do you really think I didn't tell Nightmare what I was doing? We're partners in crime, idiot."

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