Yo, Boy

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"Ink-- the Protector of the AUs-- took a belly flop off the Mt. Ebott in Underfell holding a suicide note."

Nightmare made his announcement with a bit of a joyful tone to it, something he only ever had when he was either scaring the shit out of someone or spreading his influence. His signature grin was displayed, though it was more of a smirk than a grin at the moment. It showed all of his malicious nature in its purest form, as well as all of his disliking for the Star Sans. The announcement seemed to shock everyone in the room. Error, who had just been making a doll of said protector, seemed to tighten his grip on the thing. Cross's eyes were filled with horror, a gasp escaping him.

"Oh my Asgore, is he dead!?"

"Just some broken bones!" Nightmare's tentacles flicked dismissively, the master shrugging. "Just another worthless geek trying to imitate the people who actually matter and failing miserably..."

Cross's grip tightened as he tried to quell his bubbling anger. But his grip had become so tight that the chocolate bar he'd been eating got crushed in it, chunks of chocolate flying everywhere. Nightmare, who could sense his anger, snickered at his reaction to the news. Shaking his head, the survivor of X-Tale dismissed himself from the table wordlessly. Leaving the two out-coded skeleton monsters to their silence, with Error contemplating whether or not to follow him (but ultimately deciding Ink [probably] wouldn't want to see him anyway), and Nightmare filing the sharp ends of his fingers.

Cross knew where Ink would've been taken if he was in critical condition. Ink was soulless-- a secret that only he and a few others knew-- and technically couldn't die, but he could still suffer and become crippled. It didn't make him immune to everything. But he knew that he would've been taken to the Omega Timeline, as CORE!Frisk had offered the Star Sanses a safe space in their world. Blueberry and Dream practically lived there, neither of them really having a world to call their home anymore, and they'd take Ink there if he needed a lot of healing.

Cross pulled out his phone, calling Dream as he headed to the front of the castle. The phone ringed a few times, with Cross silently pleading he would pick up. The other end did respond to the call, but it wasn't the person he'd been hoping for.


"I need to talk to Dream," Cross said. "Or Blueberry. Or even CORE!Frisk."

"This is the magnificent Blue speaking!" He responded with a laugh. "Hey, I thought I said to not call me Blueberry if its serious."

"Nevermind that!" He snapped, gritting his teeth. "Look-- Nightmare told us about what happened. Is he with you and Dream?"

"O-Oh.... y-yeah.... Dream's healing him right now," he confirmed. "But he's not looking too good... even if we know his secret, the only people who know how to kill him are Reaper and himself..."

"Can you make it so I can come there?" Cross asked. "Please... I know I haven't been the best to him, especially ever since everything with--"

"It's okay, Cross. I know you care about him," he chuckled. "I'll go tell Dream."

"Thank you."

Cross pulled the phone away, pressing the button to end the call. Shoving the cellular device back into his pocket, he pushed through the double doors to the castle. He took a running start, jumping off from the top of the steps and landing on his feet perfectly. His training in the Royal Guard paid off very well nowadays, even if he didn't agree with all the things Nightmare had him do. Did anyone have a good set of morals these days?

As Cross was running, he felt a chill go down his spine. It wasn't one from the cold climate of Nightmare's Realm, that was a feeling he'd gotten use to. This one was like someone was watching him or following him. This unsettling feeling only intensified when he heard two familiar voices trailing behind him. They were getting closer, too.

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