Errorink404 Smut

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(When you try to write smut and it doesn't turn out how you want and your motivation d i e s--

So yeah, this is an unfinished smut. Enjoy. I promise the next one will be better.)

"Oh, come on, 404. It won't be that bad."

Error404 mumbled out a complaint as he followed behind Ink. The shortest of the three appeared to be the most excited one, as the other two had feelings of jealousy and smugness. Error404's eyes flickered over to Error once again, narrowing when he saw the smug look on his face. Ink sighed as he noticed the intense glaring between the two glitches, turning around to face Error404. He grabbed onto his arm and tugged it gently, pulling his attention to him. He motioned to the chair that was set up in the corner of the room, signaling for him to sit down.

"Behave yourselves, boys," Ink said to them both. "Or else we won't do it at all."

"YeS, InK," the two said in a sloppy unison.

Despite their clear grudges against each other and poor unison, Ink smiled. He loved both of his boyfriends equally, but they could get rather possessive. There had already been a lot of existing tension between the two when Ink hadn't been in the picture, and it only worsened when Ink got involved. They didn't break out into fights or get violent with each other, at least not around him, but they did get into heated arguments about who Ink loved more. There were two reasons Ink hated those arguments they had.

One reason was because of how ridiculous they were. He loved them both and he loved them equally. They were his boyfriends, his lovers. The second season was because the two glitches became very intimidating and scary when they got angry. They never hurt him, not unless it was part of whatever sex they were having, and they never took their anger out on him. But they still scared him when they got angry.

Anyway, back to the present.

Ink turned away from Error404 and headed over to Error, who was waiting for him by the bed. There was a certain plan the three of them had agreed to for today. They were going to attempt a threesome. It was a big step and Ink held most of the power to call it off. But if either of the other two felt uncomfortable and wanted to stop, they held that power as well. But neither of them held the power to force the others into anything. That was just wrong.

Error404 drew in a breath as he watched the two started to undress each other. He could his possessiveness flaring up, but he had to keep control of himself. No matter how badly he wanted to storm over there, throw Error through the window, and then fuck Ink senseless, he had to keep himself under control. There was no need for such rash actions, even if he was greedy. His breath hitches as their ecto-bodies fully materialize and Error throws Ink onto the bed. Ink looks over at Error404 and offers him a smile with a sympathetic look in his eyes. He had a feeling that he was already bubbling with jealousy and anger, and they hadn't even done anything yet.

It didn't take very long for Error to slide his penis inside of Ink's entrance. Ink didn't make any complaints about there not being any foreplay. In fact, he actually sounded rather delighted that they were getting right into it. When he was sure his body had adjusted, he gave Error the okay to begin moving. As they had agreed to prior to getting in bed, Error wasn't going to be gentle on the artist's body. Ink wanted him to be rough and, boy, was he getting what he asked for. His smaller hands grip the edge of the bed, his slightly fanged teeth sinking into the bedsheet as he tries to muffle his moans. But Error reached around and pried the sheet from his mouth, gripping his chin to make him look directly at Error404.

It was clear from the sounds and faces that Ink was making that he was enjoying himself. He groaned, panted, and moaned as he was fucked by the destroyer. He kept eye contact with the one who was sitting in the corner, as they had agreed he would. Poor Error404 looked so lonely over there, able to do nothing but spectate. Well, he could always jerk himself off to the sight, but it wasn't like the real deal. And he knew that was what he wanted. But he would only have to be a bit more patient. He wasn't going to be forgotten about.

Ink's thoughts were interrupted as Error's hand moved from his chin to his hip, gripping them tightly. He was going faster now, reaching deeper into his ecto-body. This was also stretching him out more, but that would just make it easier to fuck him. As though on instinct, Ink's body began to move back to meet with his thrusts. While it was an enjoyable sight for both of the glitches, they had agreed that it would be a master/pet exchange. Which meant that Ink had to be punished for being naughty, when in reality it was just more of a turn-on.

Ink yipped as Error's hand came down, the smack echoing off of the bedroom walls. If this had been happening earlier in the relationship, around when they first started to enter this territory, such a sound would've made whichever one was dominating worry. They sounded so realistic in the sense that he was in actual pain, like they had overstepped a boundary. It still got them alarmed sometimes. But seeing the look on Ink's face, Error took it as a safe sign to continue what he was doing. Judging from the excitement that was shining in his eyes, Error experimented and spanked him again. Sure enough, he was getting off on the punishment. This made Error smirk. He moves his hands up from Ink's hips to his back, pushing him down into the mattress. He used the new position to ram into him harder.

Now Ink was starting to lose his focus. His gaze shifted away from Error404 and over to Error, his head turning so he can watch as one of his lovers fucks him. He occupied his mind with the sensations from Error's relentless pounding, not caring for any consequences that may come. In truth, this was all part of the scenario that they had agreed to. When Error motioned over to Error404, that was the signal for him to join the scene. Error404 stood up from the chair and made his way over to the bed, undressing as he went and conjuring his ecto-body. When he got over to the bed, he grabbed Ink's chin harshly, making the petite sub look him in the eyes.

"YoU'rE a LiTtLe BrAt, YoU kNoW tHaT?" Error404 sneered, slapping Ink across the face. "YoU wErE sUpPoSeD tO kEeP pAyInG aTtEnTiOn To Me WhIlE hE wAs FuCkInG yOu."

"NoT fOlLoWiNg ThE rUlEs? ThAt DoEsN't SoUnD lIkE InK," Error hummed. "I dOn'T tHiNk He DeSeRvEs To CuM."

Error404 nodded in approval. "He DoEsN't. Go RoUgHeR oN hIm."

"YeS, sIr."

Error's voice held a bit of a mocking tone, but Error404 let it slide. After all, Error wasn't the one being punished. Ink squealed as Error went rougher on his body, very poorly containing just how much he was enjoying it all. Error404 knelt down to reach under the bed, grabbing the box that contained all of the toys and things they would use during sex. Popping the lid open, he was greeted by vibrators, gags, and other things. He selected a vibrator at random and shoved the box aside with his foot, standing up again. He pulled some cables down from his eyes and used them to tie the vibrator to Ink's body, positioning it in a way so it was pressed up against Ink's clit. Once it was positioned properly, he used the remote that was connected to it to turn it to the highest speed. Ink's hips bucked as he looked up at Error404, flattening his body against the bed. But all that did was push the vibrator further in, which Ink knew and took advantage of to try and get himself closer to his climax.

"Oh No YoU dOn'T," Error said, grabbing his hips and hoisting him back up. "YoU dOn'T gEt To CuM yEt."

"AnD gEtTiNg ClOsEr To YoUr LiMiT wOn'T cHaNgE oUr MiNdS, iT'lL oNlY mEaN yOu HaVe To Go WiThOuT eVeN lOnGEr," Error404 pointed out. He then smiled. "NoW bE a GoOd PeT aNd OpEn YoUr MoUtH."

Ink nodded and obeyed, opening his mouth. Error404 wasted no time in stuffing Ink's mouth with his dick, the submissive one closing his mouth around it. Ink already knew what Error404 wanted him to do and set to work. Error404 settled with placing a hand on Ink's head, having to restrain himself from bucking his hips. Error could go as rough on Ink's body as he liked, but Ink's throat was a more sensitive area that needed to be treated gently. 

But this was only the start of the fun that they had planned.

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