What Even Is This

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(The best way I can explain what this is? Basically I take this weird cliche idea of Character x Alpha Werewolf and make it into a horrible oneshot lmao. I'm literally laughing rn I can't--)

The Moon Pack was one of the most powerful Werewolf Packs known to date.

Their alpha was the mysterious and charming Nightmare, whose fur was as black as a moonless night and could slice your heart open with a glare alone. His younger brother was the pack's beta, a naive and gentle soul named Dream. His fur was as white as freshly fallen snow and his eyes the same yellow as lemonade, his voice as sweet as honey and his touch like a butterfly.

(..... Why am I smiling so much?)

The Moon Pack thrived with stability and prosperity for years. But one day, Dream came to the realization that this life wasn't fit for him. He had bit his tongue for months to hold back these thoughts, believing that the pack was more important than his own desires. He managed to mask these wishes to the point where he had convinced himself that he was happy with his life the way it was. However, one day Nightmare said something that struck something in him and made him confess the things he'd been bottling up.

He was immediately scorned by the alpha of the pack and sentence to punishment. He would have to spend a week separated from the pack as a way of reminding him what he had to be grateful for. Dream cried as he was left alone, but five minutes later he came to his senses. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for! With no one there to bear witness to him, he could escape from the Moon Pack's territory and begin his new life.

So he fucked off in the dark of the night, leaving his old life behind. Tears fell from his eyes as he crossed the border of the pack's territory, entering the brave new wilderness, but he knew this was what was best for him.


He eventually found himself lost and began to regret ever leaving the Moon Pack. But he couldn't find his way back to it even if he tried, which goes to show how much of an incompetent little shit he was because all he did was go in a straight line. If he turned around now, he would be looking down at the pack's territory.


Time skip to after Dream finds a new pack to vibe with because I'm both lazy and crying over the fact that my family now knows how bad my cavities are and am now costing money, plus the dentist will say "you haven't been brushing" like no shit sherlock my self-hatred won't let me take care of myself--

Dream nearly fell back as the bundle of cloth was shoved to his chest. He looked up at the one who gave it to him, staring into the beautiful white orbs of Cross, the alpha of the X Pack. He looked down at the clothes he'd been handed and, unfolding them, saw that it was a rather revealing dress.

"As the alpha of the X Pack, I, Cross Grayson, command you to put on this slutty dress," Cross said, his voice authoritative, deep, and husky.

Dream wanted to say no, but defying his new pack's alpha wouldn't be a good impression and would get him exiled from the pack. Even if he did try to say them, the words couldn't come out. The scent of the alpha filled his senses like the pine forest they'd walked through not too long ago.

"Fine," Dream said. "What for?"

"The mating ceremony is in an hour," he informed him. "I command you to be there as the newest member of our pack."

Cross turned and left the room, taking the scent of pine mixed with testosterone with him. As soon as his musky scent was gone, Dream's shoulders dropped. He began to strip himself of his clothing, painfully aware of Cross's right-hand man-- Epic-- staring right at him. He looked himself over in the mirror, wondering if the dress made him look too fat. The low cut of the dress was trimmed by lace and put emphasis on his chest, the skirt just barely being a length he found comfortable. The dress was backless and he tensed when he felt Epic's body press against him.

(I wonder if Nightmare would beat my ass if he read this...)

Epic escorted Dream to the mating ceremony, which would take place within a vast cavern that was very conveniently shaped as though for this very purpose. He could feel the eyes of the other wolves in the pack on him, burning into his bones and making him self-conscious. He knew why they were staring at him, some with confusion and others with curiosity, but there was the occasional wolf with a devious lustful smirk on their face.

He was an outsider to them. A new member to the pack whose loyalty was yet to be proven. But he knew the other reason why they gazed at him in such ways. He was a pure white wolf, which apparently was extremely rare. Centuries ago, the gene had become exclusive to the Moon Pack only, lost to every other pack in the world.

Because, you know, Dream's special :)

(Nightmare: Oh he's special alright--)

The mating ceremony was being attended by every female in the pack. They were all dressed in pretty outfits with their hair done, ornamental pieces of the tribe woven into their hair and fur. They paid him no attention as he was escorted in by Epic, believing him to just be a spectator and nothing more. But Dream wasn't like the other attendees and, because he's just so different and so quirky, he put a simple purple ribbon around his tail.

Dream noticed someone approaching him out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and made eye contact with Cross, who was looking at him very differently from before. He walked in a circle around him, drawing attention to him as Dream looked down bashfully. Suddenly he was grabbed by the shoulders and pinned to the wall, his bare back pressed up against cold stone. Cross towered over him, looking down at him with those eyes. He growled loud enough for everyone at the mating ceremony to hear his announcement. 


Dream stared up at Cross in disbelief. Of course he didn't believe it at first. Cross was one of the most powerful alphas that ever existed--


The other wolves in the cave were seething with disbelief, envy, and malice. Dream didn't have to look at any of them to figure that out. It was unquestionable as to why they'd feel such a way. He was an outsider, a nobody to this pack and yet he'd been Cross's choice for a mate. But because Dream was just oh so special, they couldn't dare think of harming his delicate pure white fur.

"But wait!" A voice called out from the crowd of wolves. "He's a guy! He cannot mate and bear your children!"

"I understand the concern," Cross replied rather calmly, but Dream could hear the contained anger in his voice. "But this is the Omegaverse where guys can get pregnant."

"... Okay!"

(Who authorized me to write this?)

Cross took Dream back to his den. It was the most decorated den in the entire pack, warm and cozy too. The den smelled of pine and ginger, and there was a cup of warm milk ready for him. Cross pulled him into his lap and sniffed his fur deeply, taking in his scent. When he was done he sat the cup down, then Cross guided him over to his bed.

They played a game of Twister ;)

Years later, Dream and Cross are a happy couple. They had a beautiful daughter named Lux. However, one day Dream returned to the den to find Cross holding a ribbon. The same ribbon that Dream had worn on the day of the mating ceremony.

"You never said you were from the Moon Pack."

Dream tensed as Cross said those words. The alpha-- his mate-- turned to him with fiery eyes. A look of anger that he couldn't stand to see and so he averted his eyes. His ears pinned to the sides of his head and his tail tucked between his legs, his guilt out on display. Cross stood up from the bed and stalked towards him, growling low. He pressed their bodies together and, gripping Dream's body, whispered huskily.

"I think I should mark you some more."



Dream screeched out loud as he shot upright, blushing furiously. He was still in his bedroom. He felt his head and, when he couldn't find any ears, checked his backside for a tail. There wasn't one. He took in a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm his nerves. He stared at the wall, trying to process the dream he just had.

"What the actual fuck..."

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