Afterdeath: Late Night Stroll (Very Short)

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The full moon was high in the sky, a gentle breeze wafting through the air.

It brought the delicate pink cherry blossom petals off of their branches, fluttering down in a gentle and slow shower. Geno stepped onto the red bridge, the planks of wood under his feet creaking lightly. He paid no mind to it, finding a moment of peace in the night's solitude. Trailing next to him, floating above the water's surface, was an immortal God. The two moved alongside each other in silence, aware of each other's company.

They were both magnificent sights in their own right. They attracted many stares from women, men, ambiguous folk, and children alike. But all of them were too intimidated to try and approach them. Geno had a mean glare and could read you like a book, not to mention the glitches over one of his eyes and the red slash across his torso. His companion, Reaper, was death itself. It the large black wings and frigid cold that radiated from him weren't enough to deter people, then the consequences of touching him certainly would be.

Which was a shame, considering Reaper would love to talk with someone, yet killed everything he touched. Meanwhile Geno wanted to be by himself for all of eternity, but he could talk to everyone.

".... I'm sorry, Geno," Reaper sighed quietly, breaking the silence. "You hardly ever get to go to these sort of things, and here you are, being forced to accompany a pitiful immortal on a stroll by the lake."

"I'm not being forced to do anything. I'm choosing to be here," Geno replied. "Besides, there's no harm in it. The world of humans and monsters is noisy, I have no interest in it."

"Even though you say that... that wasn't my intended meaning," he mumbled, glancing down at his reflection. "I... I want to let you experience the lively atmosphere. You were stuck in that tiny space for so long, and then--"

"Reaper." His voice had an edge to it. When his companion's jaw shut, he continued speaking, his voice softer. "I already know what you're thinking. The outside world isn't important to me. This is much, much better."

"Ah.... I suppose I can understand..." a smile faintly appeared on his face. "If you feel happy, then everything is fine for me."

The two walked in silence for a bit longer. Once they'd reached the midway point of the bridge, Geno paused in his tracks. This caused Reaper to pause for a moment, too.

"Geno? What's--?"

Geno reached out and grabbed onto Reaper's hand, shutting him up. Bringing it closer, he interlocked their fingers.

"Stop looking so sad and gloomy. That's my job."

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