Errorink: Fluff?

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Ink hadn't felt anything in a long time.

Everything, to put it simply, had gone to shit. In the never-ending battle between the Star Sanses and Nightmare's gang, the destructive forces had emerged victorious after so many years. It was inevitable, he supposed. There were only three members of the Star Sanses and six members of Nightmare's gang. But Ink would've preferred that his group continued to win the battles.

In the aftermath of it all, Ink was the only one to have yet to turn evil. Dream had been forced to eat one of the black apples, which Nightmare had obtained by cutting out some of the negative energy accumulated in his being. Blue was tortured to the point of insanity. CORE!Frisk was safe in the Omega Timeline, but with Error constantly searching for their domain, he didn't know how much longer that would last.

Without his vials, Ink couldn't care for himself. Not that he kept up with his basic needs even with them active now. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten or slept, not that he needed to do those to begin with. He couldn't die thanks to the Multiverse putting an essential status in his coding, though he had tried numerous times to do so. He'd thrown himself off of cliffs and into the Anti-Void, tied a rope around his neck, drank bleach and other hazardous substances, he'd even thrown himself at Reaper a few times.

None of his attempts had worked. If anything, it only made Nightmare's lackeys keep a closer eye on him. At first it had provided them amusement and entertainment. But then Error started getting worked up about it, so they started to pay more attention. Ink had tried to escape before too, but that hadn't worked either. So he mostly stayed in the room he'd been given, staring at something absent-mindedly until he was fished up to be forced to eat.

Like right now. He was staring at the mirror on the other side of the room, at his reflection. His eyes were blank, dull, and empty. No bright colors or fascinating shapes. Just white dots with hints of gray. His thoughts began to wander. Why had the Multiverse chosen him to be the protector of the AUs? He'd failed. The Multiverse should've picked someone who wouldn't have failed. Even though he had failed, Dream would've been a better pick.

A light bulb lit up in Ink's head. He briefly recalled something he'd tried to do before, but had failed at miserably. He forced his body to move, lifting his arms up from his sides. He brought up the file that held his code, and dragged his finger across the screen of it. Looking for something specific. His eyes landed on the piece he'd been looking for. The piece that marked him as essential and prevented him from dying. He reached towards it and wrapped his fingers around it, and gave it a fierce tug.

It hurt.

It hurt like a bitch. Ink hadn't really been able to feel pain due to being soulless, but this was just brutal. Ink gritted his teeth as a pained whine escaped from him, but pushed on. He didn't even try to stop as the door to his room was opened up, but he did halt when two hands touched him. He looked up to see Error staring down at him, gripping his arms tightly. Error pulled his hands away from his file and made it disappear, after making sure the piece of code wasn't damaged and was still in place.

"WhAt ThE hElL wErE yOu TrYiNg To Do!?" Error demanded, taking a step back. "ArE yOu InSaNe!?"

Ink didn't respond. He just stared blankly at Error as he continued to yell at him for his actions. If he had any of the blue vial left in him, he was sure he'd be in tears by now. Pointlessly sobbing and praying for the pain to go away. Who was he kidding? He'd never be free from this hell. Even if he did manage to escape from Nightmare's gang and fled back to the Doodle Sphere, it wasn't like there would be much time before he got caught again. Dream and Blue knew how to get into the Doodle Sphere without him having to let them in, and Ink didn't doubt that the younger Guardian had told his brother everything.

Finally, after scolding Ink for his attempted self-sabotage, Error sighed and sat down next to him. There was an awkward silence between them. Ink hadn't been listening to a thing he said, and even though the words had entered his head, they went right out the other side. So if Error was waiting for some kind of response, he would be better off going to someone else. He didn't even look down as Error grabbed his hand, the touch barely even registering at all.

"InK.... I dOn'T wAnT yOu DeAd. EvErYoNe HeRe EiThEr CaReS fOr YoU oR iS nEuTrAl," Error told him. "WhAt AbOuT DrEaM? BlUe? FrIsK? DoN't YoU cArE aBoUt AnY oF tHeM?"

Ink didn't respond. He didn't even blink as Error grabbed his body, pulling him into his lap. Error couldn't help but make the comparison of Ink to a ragdoll, at least while he was in this state. Ink didn't understand what he meant. He often didn't understand things when he didn't have his vials running through him. Error held him close, whispering things to him while he caressed his face.

"InK, dO yOu WaNt Me To ShOw YoU hOw MuCh I cArE aBoUt YoU?" Error asked him. Ink tilted his head a bit. "I'lL tAkE tHaT aS a YeS."

Ink blinked when Error pressed their mouths together. He certainly hadn't been expecting that. Then again, what had he been expecting? He didn't move at all while Error kissed him. Even if he wanted to, his body wouldn't obey him. Error reached his hand over and opened up a portal to the Anti-Void. Ink didn't even redirect his eyes as Error reached through and pulled out Ink's vials. They were each filled with the paint that made him feel things. When Error pulled away from him, he held up the vials so he could see them.

"NoT eVeN a ThAnK yOu? YoU dOn'T cArE aBoUt ThEsE?" Error asked him. "HeRe, OpEn YoUr MoUtH."

Even though he'd been the one to give the command, he was doing it himself. Error used one hand to pry Ink's mouth open. Not like it was very hard. Without his vials, Ink had no reason to keep his mouth shut. No reason to fight back. One by one, Error took off the caps and poured the paint down Ink's throat. It took a few seconds for them to start to come into effect, and Ink gasped at the sudden rush of emotions coursing through him.

"ThErE, tHeRe." Error pulled him close, letting his head rest against his chest. "YoU'rE gOiNg To Be AlRiGhT."

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