Ink & The Murder Trio: Smut

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(Warning: Non-con.)

Ink was in some deep trouble.

And it was deep, deep trouble. Dream had given him the assignment of sneaking into Nightmare's castle and freeing Blue from the dungeons. The shortest member of their team had been captured during their last encounter with the team of baddies. They'd yet to have any kind of communications with each other, but Dream had thought it best to send Ink. It was a logical decision. He was quick, knew his way in and out of Nightmare's castle, and knew had to move around stealthily.

However.... Ink hadn't taken into consideration just how many people he'd have to maneuver around. The main lackeys were either in the dining hall, training grounds, or their bedrooms. The shadow creatures that Nightmare had wandering around as servants and guards were mindless, little to no sentience in them. They were easy to maneuver around with enough patience, though they were much more plentiful and they were everywhere.

Ink had been doing pretty well with his mission, actually. He had made it down to the dungeon and had started his search for Blue's cell. Only.... he hadn't been expecting a certain someone to be there, as though waiting for him. He'd been hiding in the security of the shadows overhead, with the lighting in the place already being rather dim. But when he'd turned his head, he'd come face-to-face with Error.

That was how he got into the current situation. Error's strings were woven tightly around his arms and legs, keeping them behind his back and pressed together. Some of the strings had been tied around his head, stuffed into his mouth to muffle his voice. He'd been dragged to the throne room, where Nightmare was seated upon his throne, with an expression that said he was waiting for them. The king stood up and descended down the steps that led to his throne, a smirk plastered onto his face.

"I bet you thought you were rather sneaky," Nightmare cooed, stroking Ink's cheek. "I beg to differ."

"YoU sHoUlD'vE wAiTeD uNtIl YoU kNeW iT wAs SaFe," Error added. "As In, UnTiL yOu KnEw I wAsN't HeRe."

Ink let out a low growl, which came out muffled thanks to the strings in his mouth. He glared over at the glitch who was standing by his side. He wiggled his fingers around, trying to feel for the knots in the bindings on his arms. If he could figure out how they were tied, then maybe he'd be able to undo them. He wasn't as good at it as Dream was, but he had enough experience from the previous times he'd been captured.

"Oh No YoU dOn'T," Error said, pulling on the string that tightened the bindings. "TrYiNg To EsCaPe WiLl GeT yOu NoWhErE."

"I knew you were an idiot, but I didn't think you'd be that big of an idiot," Nightmare mused. "Even if you managed to get free from those, there's still the ones around your legs. And there's still all of us."

Ink didn't say anything. Not that he could've, anyway. Nightmare seemed to be contemplating something as he stalked him, walking in slow circles, one of his tentacles rubbing the underside of his chin. Ink kept a sharp eye on him as he did this, bracing himself for a hit at any moment. After a few tense minutes, Nightmare stood in front of him. Reaching out and running a hand down the front of Ink's shirt, pressing down on his ribs as he stroked them through the cloth. Ink shuddered at the feeling of it, shifting on his feet in discomfort.

"Hm.... say, I have a little deal for you," Nightmare hummed. "You see, my boys have been serving me well. I've been trying to figure out how to reward them."

Ink blinked at his words. He had no idea what him getting captured had to do with that. But part of him had a suspicion about his involvement, and that part of him did not like it one bit. Especially as Nightmare's smirk grew, showing off his sharp and pointy teeth. Ink felt a chill run down his spine.

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