19. Kryptonite

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In the blink of an eye, three whole months went by from the day the squad had arrived at the Kim's. True to Namjoon's words, Seokjin - Namjoon's older brother - was indeed a flirt, and he really did admire Nari as it was rare for a female to be just as competent in the science field.

He would occasionally catch Nari off guard by telling her pickup lines randomly while working together in the lab, but he also knew his place since the girl was already taken by his friend. But did it stop him from flirting?

Of course not.

Every now and then, Jimin would always drop by at the laboratory, pretending to be checking on the progress on the vaccine when in fact he was just ensuring that his girlfriend's heart wouldn't stray away from his. Nari wouldn't pay much attention at him whenever she was working, but it didn't matter to him as long as he was able to get his daily dose of Nari before returning back to work.

Never did Nari nor the others ever expect to be able to witness the young but infamously ruthless general to show this clingy side of him. Hell, not even Jimin himself did.

Oh Nari was Park Jimin's kryptonite. And he damn well knew it.

The stubborness in him had evidently lessened as they spent more time together as a couple, and he would find himself always letting Nari win whenever they had any disagreements for the sake of her happiness. He was still extremely strict and merciless when he was out to kill off any wandering zombies around, but when it came to Nari, he knew that he would never be able to defeat her.

With the four scientists working together to bring out the formula Nari had prepared beforehand, that left the rest to divide themselves with different tasks so they would be able to contribute something for living in the manor as well. Jimin was in charged of patrolling the area with Yoongi, Hoseok mostly handling the neglected house chores and medical aid, with Jaemin and Jungkook getting trained to handle weapons even better.

"Can you tell your boyfriend to leave my lab? His presence is distracting me." Seokjin tutted while sending a dirty glare at Jimin who was watching them through the glass door.

Nari sighed. "You know how stubborn he is, oppa."

Taehyung snickered from the side. "And you know how he won't leave unless you go to him."

"I'm busy!" Nari countered, and she was about to pipette the solutions placed on the desk when a hand snatched the instrument away from her.

"I'll handle this. You go and handle him." Seokjin nudged the younger girl towards Jimin, sticking out his tongue childishly when Nari scowled at him.

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