6. Enthralled

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[ 6 ]


Nari didn't know whether it was safe to assume that the outside was still free from the walking deads, but she could only hope for the best. She had been sticking close with Jimin as they made their way out, and she prayed that what had appeared to be pretty quiet and peaceful on the land wouldn't be just a facadé for an upcoming storm.

The scientist was slowly losing her patience as she waited for Jimin to shut the underground lab down, her eyes watching the general fumble with colourful buttons and switches in a metallic box hidden in an artificial tree in the forest they were in. They had to ensure that none of the remaining zombies inside the lab were able to escape out.

The military base and the secret underground lab were located within a forest, and they could only travel out to the city by car which would take them around an hour for the journey.

"P-Park, can you speed up? I don't feel safe here." Nari shifted closer towards the man unknowingly. "I don't see Taehyung's car which is normally parked around here."

Without looking away from his current mission, Jimin lifted a hand to pat her head. "He probably left with the others. The military trucks aren't here too."

Cheeks turning red at the comforting gesture, Nari cleared her throat before peeking at the contents of the box behind Jimin. She stood on her tippy toes so that she would be able to look as well, but she didn't expect to lose her balance as she slipped, her front hitting Jimin's back before falling onto the ground.

Startled, Jimin spun around to see Nari crouching down while clutching onto her nose in pain, making him laugh softly at the sight. The girl glared at him when he helped her up.

"What a clumsy idiot." The general chuckled, and Nari jumped high up in the air when a loud thumping sound of the last few gates echoed in the empty forest, along with the main lighting sources all shutting down except for the few emergency lights. "And a scaredy cat too."

"I'm not used to all of these!" Nari defended herself, but her frustration only caused Jimin to start laughing again. "Stop making fun of me!"

Stretching out his hand, Jimin darted his eyes from his hand towards her questioning eyes. "Here. Hold my hand when the offer still stands."

Nari stared at him as if he had lost his mind. "Are you crazy? Why would I hold your hand?"

"It's not the first time for us to hold hands though." Jimin smirked, and was about to retrieve his hand back when a low growling sound appeared out of the blue, rendering the scientist to grab his hand in panic. "Ooh, so much for refusing to hold my hands."

"Shut up and let's leave this forsaken place." Nari hissed, and the two dashed through the forest towards where Jimin had parked his car, their hands held tightly together.

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