10. The Ambush

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All Nari could see was red at that very moment.

Echoes of guns firing with desperate screams of help were making her ears bleed. She didn't want to hear any of those anymore.

She didn't want to get reminded that she was the reason why this was happening.

People were either killing or getting killed by the infected ones, and blood was seen literally almost everywhere, causing her to have an urge to puke at how horrifying it was. Despite the late afternoon sky being a peaceful azure blue, the prominent red stained all over the land portrayed a great contrast to amplify how crazy this whole situation was.


This was all her fault.


Why did she agree to do this?


She should have chosen to fled from the country and work normally instead.


Jolting awake, Nari took in a deep breath of air with her frantic eyes darting from a face to another who were all glancing down at her worriedly. She frowned at how Jaemin was shedding tears above her.

"Thank goodness you're awake. We have to leave now." Taehyung helped her up while blurting out his words.

"What's going on?" Nari stood up weakly, but the cloudiness in her mind dissipated away when a sharp jarring pain on her right lower calf shoot straight up her body. "Ow! What the hell?!"

"You were shot earlier, noona. Hence why you've passed out." Jungkook explained on behalf of them, his hand patting his best friend's back to soothe his sobs. "Stop crying Jae. Your sister is still alive!"

"I can't help it! I was so scared to see you being all unconscious and bleeding earlier." Jaemin wiped his tears away.

"I'm fine Jae. Calm down." Nari ruffled her brother's hair and turned towards Taehyung. "Thanks for wrapping the wound up."

"No probs. But we really gotta go. Jimin won't be able to hold us off any longer." Taehyung informed. "Can you two help her walk? I'll go to Jimin."

The general was busy shoving his combat boots onto an undead's abdomen before shooting a close range headshot onto its forehead when Taehyung and the group emerged from the store room inside the abandoned rest area next to the highway.

The group of five had barely managed to escape the military base when a swarm of infected soldiers stumbled out of the weakly locked up building. Even while on the way towards nowhere in particular, they found themselves being the only functioning humans driving amongst the zombies wandering around the streets freely.

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