You Know That Feeling Don'tcha Lou

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It's shit so.....

Questions before you read:

Who do you think said the title of this chapter?

Why do you think they said it?

*Zayn's POV*

"Zayn." I heard a voice whine.

I grumbled rubbing my eyes.Then I stretched opening my eyes to be met by a blue eyed boy and a very unappealing shine through the blinds.

"Yes babe." I answered sleepily.

"My backside hurts." He said whining and I smiled kissing his nose.

I got out of the bed still naked and turned to look at Niall. He had a pout on his face but he was blushing. I picked him up bridal style. I looked at the sheets that had blood on them.

"Will it be like that every single time?" He asked.

"No." I said walking under the threshold and to the bathroom.

"My bum hurts really bad Zayn." Niall said.

"Well it felt good last night." I said and he blushed.

I made him stand up and he wobbled a bit before standing. I turned on the water jumping a bit when it came out cold then hit the right temperature.

We stood there getting our whole body wet before I grabbed my Axe (body wash because what) and began washing me and him up.

"This just makes me want to do it again." He said as I rubbed his inner thighs while he got my back.

I laughed. "One day we will have shower sex." I said.

He sighed smiling to himself and we stepped under the water. I started washing his hair and he closed his eyes leaning into my touch. I kissed him before continuing.

When we got out I picked him up and carried him back in the room. He had a couple clothes over here now. So he put on some joggers and a tee shirt and I did to -including underwear- and we changed the sheets and washed the bed down flipping the bed around.

The door bell rung and I went to door. It was Liam.

"Liam buddy I missed you." I said bringing him to a bro hug.

"So is Danielle back?" I asked as we sat on the couch.

"Yeah. She's doing better than ever but I don't know about her anymore." He said and I frowned.

"Why what's happened?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I just met this other girl. She's funny and smart." He said.

"Well what's her name?" I asked him.

"Sophia." He said.

"But what about Danielle?" I asked.

"I don't know. I love her but I don't know. I need help sorting this all out." Liam said.

"Make a pros and con list about Sophia and Danielle." I suggested.

"Thanks Zayn." He said getting up and leaving out the house.

"Well bye." I said about to close the door but a foot was in the way.

If shoes I know to well. I opened the door.

"Hi Harry." I said opening the door and Louis was behind him.

"Hey Zayn. Let's cut to the chase we heard moaning and groaning over here last night. Were you cheating on Niall. And anything you say will come with the same punishment so spit it out." Harry said.

"It was me and Niall." I said and bit of there moods changed.

"Oh my god where is he?" Harry said then just ran up the stairs with Louis following behind.

"Well then. I'll make some tea." I said to myself walking on the kitchen.

*Niall's POV*

I heard squealing then Harry, and Louis burst in the room.

"Niall Horan where is that v-card of yours?" Louis asked me and I laughed blushing.

"I gave it to Zayn." I said and they laid on the bed next to me.

"Ok so was it special?" Harry asked.

"Yeah he took me out to dinner. And he told me that he loved me so yeah. It was kinda special." I said blushing.

"He said he loved you. Woah. But wait how was the sex." Louis said.

"It hurt so bad at first. Like I was crying. But then it start feeling so good." I exclaimed.

"You know that feeling don'tcha Lou." Harry said and Louis blushed.

"You guys are together?" I asked and they nodded.

"Why wasn't I told? How come I wasn't aware of this? What do you guys hate me? I've been a Larry shipper from the beginning. And I wasn't told. How dare you have the audacity not to tell me? Me?" I said.

"Well when we wanted to you were sad because you thought Zayn cheated." Louis said.

"Then we never got around to it." Harry added.

"Well I still feel left out." I said covering my face then I had a bright idea.

"Kiss right now like you mean it." I told them.

"If we kiss right now on the bed we're having sex." Harry said and Louis nodded.

"Well go for it." I said.

"Don't go for it." Zayn said coming in with tea.

"The only people having sex in this bed is me and Niall." Zayn said and I blushed covering my face.

"Nialler all these love bites. Harry doesn't like to bite at all" Louis said rolling his eyes.

"I do so." Harry said.

"Then where are they?!" Louis said and I saw Zayn sipping his tea.

"Boys, boys, it's okay love bites or not you still love each other. Lou don't jump down Harry's throat, and Harry bite some more." I said.

"It's hard for me not to jump down his throat." Louis said and we all laughed but Harry grabbed Louis hand.

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