I Like A Firm Grip

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*Zayn's POV*

We walked up to the door and Niall rung the door.

"Niall baby thanks for watching Theo." The girl said pulling him into a hug kissing his cheek.

"You're welcome Denise. I'd watch him whenever. Well not exactly but yes." I said and she smiled.

"Theo is in the living room. Greg is still upstairs getting dressed. Men." She said rolling her eyes then looking at me.

"Oh I'm sorry." She said laughing. "Who might you be?" She asked.

"I'm Zayn." I said looking at Niall and he nodded. "Niall's boyfriend." I said and her face lit up.

"Niall he's cute."she cheered letting us in.

"Thanks." Me and Niall both answered.

She went upstairs and we went in the living room where a cute boy ran up to Niall.

"Uncuw Niaw." He said and I cooed when he hugged Niall's legs.

"Hey buddy." Niall said grabbing him and setting him on his hip putting his arm underneath his bum.

"You've been a good boy?" Niall asked.

"Yah I made a color of you. In food room." He said and I smiled.

"He doesn't know how to say kitchen?" I asked.

"Nope, and the thing is he doesn't try either. He's stubborn." Niall said.

"Well I guess he gets that from you. Along with his other physical traits." I said and he laughed.

We walked into the kitchen and he pointed to the picture on the fridge. It had a finger painting of Niall on it and another with his family. But it was another one with a girl in purple.

"Who's she?" I asked him.

"She was my fwend. She gone to adopcen he name Dawcy." He said.

"Did you like her?" I asked and he nodded.

"She was nice and pweety." He said.

"Aww." Me and Niall both cooed.

"I'm guessing your Niall's boyfriend." A deep voice said making me jump a bit.

I looked towards Greg. He didn't look too intimidating. But his bite seems to look much bigger than his bark. His knuckles were humongous. The thought of his knuckle hit my face was almost shitting in my pants worthy.

"Yes. I'm Zayn." I said.

"Do I have to worry?"he asked.

"No not at all." I said.

"Niall?" He asked.

"Uh no." He said blushing.

"And I know this because? This is the-" Niall cut Greg off.

"Gregg. You can trust me when I say this." He whined.

"Niall has always been one to take care of himself and obviously not make himself a easy target because you're-" Niall cut him off.

"Gregggggg." He whined.

"Well don't make me at all for any reason have to kick your ass. Treat my brother right," Greg said.

"I won't, and I will." I said.

"Niall, he needs-" Niall cut his brother off again.

"A bath by 7 and asleep by 8." Niall said and Greg came over kissing Theo's temple telling him a 'be good'

"Thanks." He whispered to Niall and him and then the lady went up to Theo 'bye baby be nice to uncle Niall and uncle Zayn' she said before leaving out with Greg.


I got up walking him up to his room with Niall behind me because he fell sleep on me. I put him down in his crib while Niall grabbed a stuffed animal pushing it close to Theo which made him hug it.

We went downstairs and sat on the couch. "What time do they usually get home?" I asked.

"10-10:30? What you can't hang." He teased.

"I can!" I protested bringing him close to me so that he was cuddled into my side.

"Zayn you're so." He said.

"You want to finish that sentence?" I asked him.

"It's finished." He said.

"And you're the writer?" I asked. "I know that's an incomplete sentence." I said.

"Zayn you're so. You wanted me. You wanted to meet my friend, and my brother, you wanted to get to know me. To babysit my nephew, to come everyday in the coffee shop because of me. You just want me." He said and I looked down at him.

"You're wrong." I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows with a slight frown.

"That's probably because I need you." I said kissing his lips an he cupped my cheek smiling into the kiss.

He pulled away looking in my eyes. "I see life in your eyes. My life....with you." I said and he blushed kissing me again.

"You're such a sap Zayn. But it's okay I love it." He said.

"Not to ruin this moment but why does Theo sleep in a crib? He's like 3 going on 4." I said.

"He's a roller. I am too but you keep me close so I can't go anywhere." He said and I miles at him.

"Sure do. A firm grip." I said.

"Show an example." He said smirking.

I snaked my arm around his waist grabbing him ad pulling him on top of my lap so that he was laying horizontal of me. My grip was still firm and he laid his head on my shoulder and touched my clothed chest.

"I like a firm grip." He said.

"Me too." I said smiling.

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