My Turn

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I love Cyann and Ryann so much.

*Louis POV*

Okay so we're signing the last of the paper work right now. I'm freaking the absolute fuck out. I'm about to be a father to the most amazing girls I have ever met. They are everything. Literally the cutest. And they're so small and fun sized.

"There!" I said signing the last one.

Harry's soon finished after then smiled at me.

"Okay the girls have already got there bags packed. You do have car seats right?" The Christian asked.

"'Course." I said and he smiled.

We grabbed the girls portfolio and stood in the waiting room. They soon came in with tiny green suitcases with turtles on them. I smiled.

"Do you want us to take them?" Harry asked and they looked up smiling.

"No we are indepten." Ryann said and I smiled.

"It's 'independent' love." Harry said and we proceeded to walk out the agency.

"So we go to out new home?" Cyann asked.

"Yes. And would you like to go get paint first or would you like to go have and get settled?" I asked.

"Paint!" They both said in unison.

We loaded the car putting their packs in the trunks and strapping them in their seat. We got in the car and made our way to a home improvement store.

When we pulled up I looked for a cart for both Cyann and Ryann. I looked over and my eyes landed on those carts connected to like a little car. Good. Harry helped me get them in the car thing and I smiled feeling like a dad and everything.

We went into the store and went towards the paint section. I went straight to the green isles since they made it clear they liked green. There face was priceless.

"So much green." Cyann whispered under her breathe.

"Oh my." Ryann whispered.

They got out of the car thing. Wow really. Is it that easy to get out or did I miss something. Ryann pointed to a dark shade of green while Cyann pointed to 2 light shades of green. Ok this is going to be hard.

"No Ryann these greens." Cyann said.

"No this green." Ryann argued.

And they went back and forth for a while about it. It was early in the day but we didn't have all that time to spend. I looked toward Harry and he smiled.

"How about we paint the room the light green Cyann picked and I can ask Zayn to paint turtles on your walls with the other greens." Harry said and they nodded eagerly smiling a toothy grin. He squatted and held out both hands and they both high fived him.

"Thanks Mr. Harry and Mr.Louis." They said in unison.

I don't think I'll ever get over how adorable that is.

"Alright but I also need curtains for you guys. But I want to get them white." I said.

"Okay it will make green pop." Cyann said and I laughed as she got into the car/stroller/buggy.

We went over towards the curtains and grab some white ones. And then we went to the checkout line and paid for the stuff. We left out the store we put the cart back buckled the girls back up and started our drive to the house. Our house.

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