You Won't Be Helpless

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*Zayn POV*

Well it's the second week living here and everyday I've been going to the same coffee shop talking to the same blonde boy.

At the end of everyday he's kissed his two fingers and pressed them to me. Well I've wrote them all down. It's 9 digits. What is that a code? Anyways I made my way to the coffee shop on this fine Saturday morning.

When I went in I saw Niall getting up with his computer bag taking a to go coffee with him. Wait where's he going?

"Hi Zayn." He said walking past me.

I followed him outside. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

"That's confidential." He said walking to his car.

"Will I see you today?" I asked.

"No." He said.

I walked up to his car and he closed the door and rolled down the window. He told me another number and then pressed it to my heart. I backed away from the car. I added the number to the others. Do I supposed to add them together or something. They look like a phone number. Omg it's his phone number.

I hoped in my car and drove home. I called the number.

"You're pretty smart." He said to me.

"I have your phone number." I said because I was so shocked.

I had his phone number. Niall's phone number.

"Yes you do and I have to go." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Confidential." He said.

"No really." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm watching my nephew now I need to get back to watching him so I have to go." He said.

"Alright bye." I said

"Bye." He said and hung up.

I looked out my window looking at the street. I saw a cab pull up next door. Two men got out carrying suitcases. Then I saw them go in the house and the cab drive off. I knew that's Louis and Harry.

I grabbed there bag of mail I had collected over the past week and grabbed my jacket. Once I put my jacket on I walked next door.

I rung the doorbell. A man came to the door. Slightly shorter than me with tan skin and chestnut colored hair. He was attractive but I'm not attracted to him.

"Hazza it's a hot man at the door." He yelled in the apartment.

I laughed and blushed a little. "Um I'm Zayn and I'm your new neighbor. Your mail was coming out your box two weeks ago when I move in and well I thought I'd save you a couple pieces of mail." I said and he smiled.

"And he's caring and kind." He yelled again to this Hazza person.

He grabbed the mail. "Thank you. My name is Louis." He said still smiling at me.

Another person came to the door.

"Yeah he is hot Lou." He said and he was slightly taller than me and had green eyes and curly hair.

"And who might you be?" He asked.

"Your new neighbor. Zayn." I said and shook his hand.

"His hands are warm and soft." Harry not so whispered to Louis.

"Would you like to come in? Tea?" Louis asked.

"Sure." I said and they let me in.

There house was cozy.

"You have any friends here yet, beside me and Lou?" Harry asked.

"Yeah my friend named Liam. And this other guy I'm trying to make more than my friend."

"Liam sounds familiar." Harry said.

"Lou don't you know of a Liam." He yelled in the kitchen.

"Yeah I think so. He was in our yoga class. Puppy face slim waist." Lou yelled back and Harry nodded.

"Oh and this mystery guy. Do share." He said.

"I met him a couple 2 weeks ago. He's so hard to figure out but I like him that way. I just finally got his number after today when I figured out a puzzle he set out for me." I told him and his eyes were wide.

"Lou come 'ere now." He said.

Lou came in with the tea.

"Repeat what you just said to Lou." Harry said and I told them about Niall again.

They put down there tea and start jumping up and down like teenage girls finding out there crush likes them back. I however was confused.

"Am I missing something?" I asked and they looked at me.

"Like oh my god." Lou said.

"Is this person named Niall Horan?" They asked in unison.

"Yes?" I said still confused.

They got even happier.

"Niall is like our best friend in the entire world." Harry said.

"I know I just met you but we're best mates already. Can you talk to him about me. Say good things because he's playing hard to get and I'm trying harder than I ever had." I said.

"Of course we will. You're freaking hot and seem nice. We'd want the best for Nialler. Unless you're some axe murder, or stalker. I've read books about this type of stuff." Louis said looking at me suspicious.

"Is it that hard to believe in that incredible." I said smiling cheekily.

"See that type of stuff seems so hot to us. But Niall hates it. I think he secretly loves it but still don't do that around him." Harry said rolling his eyes and I nodded.

"He loves Daliah's. The flower." Lou said.

"That's only the beginning but you won't be hopeless with our help." Harry said.

"Thanks." I said and finally drinking my tea. "I hope to be like you guys with him one day." I said.

"Pft...huh...Tss what makes you think we're together we're just mates." Harry said and Lou had a look on his face that was agreeing to harry.

I rolled my eyes. They're totally together. I hung out with them the rest of the day.

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