The Only Image Worthy

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I'm fine now. I was fine yesterday because I was reassured and I updated Hi, I'm Harrys Cousin. But yeah if you were wondering I'm fine.

*Niall's POV*

I was sitting there. My friends were laying there in there hospital beds and I was sitting on a chair in between them.

They weren't awoke yet but I would look up from the computer to see if one of them did move. I typed away on the computer.

The door opened and Zayn walked in. "I got them settled into the hotel. They said when they wake please tell them." Zayn said then coming over to peck my lips.

He was talking about Jay, and Anne. He pulled up a chair next to me and looked at my screen. I turned my laptop away smiling at him.

"I can't see?" He asked smiling.

"Nope. I don't let anyone see so don't feel bad." I said and he smiled.

"Fine. Well how has it been here?" He asked.

"Same. Liam came by though." I said saving my work and putting my laptop back in the cover and setting it next to me.

"Oh that was nice of him. But I want to know how you are too?" He asked.

I laid my head on his shoulder. "M'fine they'll wake up and they'll see me here and they'll smile." I said and he turned a bit to kiss my temple.

"Would you want a girl or a boy?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You could act so slow at times. Such a blonde. Kids." He said laughing and I smiled.

"Both. Twins." I said and I could feel him smile.

"I'd hope they have your eyes." He said.

"Well I hope they'd have your face and bone structure because it's very defined." I said and he laughed.

"Well I hope you two would shut up I'm tired." I heard a higher pitch voice say.

I looked over at Lou. He was awoke and trying to move.

"Lou it's best if you don't move." I told him.

"What's going on?" He asked looking over at me

"You and Harry got into a car accident." I said.

"I know. I was there. I told him to grab my hand." Lou said.

"I guess that's why you dislocated your shoulder." I said.

"It's okay really. We could have died and the first thought for me was to grab his hand. Because the last thing I would have done was grab the persons hand I love." He said and I smiled.

"That is so sweet. I love that mentality." I said and he smiled.

"Now what's physically wrong with me?" He asked.

"You had a skull fracture, dislocated knee, and had something broken in it, and dislocated your shoulder." I said and he breathed out.

"Ok but how is he." He asked looking over at Harry.

"He's alright. He had a broken neck but it didn't paralyze him. And had some crushed boned in his leg." She said.

"Damn our mobility is bad." Louis said.

"That's what I'm here for." I said.

"And me." Zayn said and I smiled at him.

"When is he going to be up?" He asked.

"Soon. Promise." I said and he just smiled resting his head on the pillow provided.

"Louis if you ever had a child what would you and Harry name her?" I asked him.

"Well of course we can't have children but if we could, as much as we have sex we'd probably have more than a dozen. But no seriously we've actually talked about adopting. Harry is just in love with the name Darcy. So yeah. Darcy. And I can already see her. She'd be black with caramel skin, she'd have green eyes, and curly chocolate hair." He said.

"She'd be cute." I said and he smiled.

"I can't wait to see if they have that exact same child. And then when Zayn and Harry propose we could have a double wedding." Louis said and I smiled and high fived him.

Harry stirred. Zayn pushed his hair out his face. I saw his eyes slowly open. He groaned.

"I feel so stiff." He groaned.

"Don't move your neck a lot." I said even though he did have a neck brace on.

"Yeah because I can. Where's Lou?" He asked and Louis smiled.

"I'm over here babe." Louis said.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

"M'fine, you?" Lou asked.

"I'm good. I just wanna see you. Hold your hand." Harry said lowly.

"I know. We will soon." Louis said.

"I love you." Harry said.

"I love you too." Louis said.

"Zayn now do you understand why Larry is life?" I asked and he laughed.

"You guys mothers are here in London so I need to call them both because you're awake now." I said pulling my phone out my pocket and calling them.

I already knew they were both smiling when I told them the news.


I kissed Harry's forehead then went and kissed Louis'.

"Okay now goodnight." I said and they smiled.

"Night Nialler." They both said.

Me and Zayn exited the room turning off the light. We walked to the elevator got in and went down to the lobby. He drove and we went home.

Once we got there I kicked my shoes off at the door put my laptop case on the couch and walked upstairs.

I stripped of my clothes and climbed in bed with Zayn following behind.

I laid my head on his chest and my hand on his stomach.

"We haven't known each other long. I know that. But would you do that for me?" I asked him.

"What exactly are you referring to?" Zayn asked.

"When Lou told Hazza to grab his hand before they crashed." I said.

"Of course I would do the same. But at the same time I'd look into those eyes." He said. "The only image worthy." He said.

And I looked up to him and cupped his cheek. I kissed him. I love these passionate moments.

"Goodnight." He said smiling.

"Goodnight. And my parents are coming in two days. I made them stay at a hotel." I said.

"You know they could have stayed here." I said.

"What if I wanted to have some fun time with you." I said but then laughed. "No seriously I just don't want to be under the same roof as my mom when she's being ridiculously insane." I said.

"Oh well I guess. I'll be ready. When do Larry come back from the hospital?" He asked.

"5 or 6 day." I said.

"Ok then. Alright." Zayn said.

"Now goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight." He said back.

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