Year 4: Midnight Crisis

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I couldn't sleep. 

It was probably about half passed midnight, or at least, that's what it felt like. 

My eyes were burning with exhaustion as I stared up into the darkness, knowing that if I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, I'd have all of the energy in the world. It wasn't as if I really had anywhere to be tomorrow, except maybe going to buy supplies for the up and coming school year. We're expecting our Hogwarts letters any day now. 

I rolled over, hearing my cat, Mouse, chatter in response. He repositioned himself so that he was comfortable, and I closed my eyes, trying to force myself to go to sleep. However, his purring was just getting louder and louder. 

"Merlin, Mouse, pipe down will you?" I said, nudging him with my foot. 

The purring continued, and I nudged him again, earning a confused sounding mew from the old cat. 

"As if you don't know what your doing... Shut it, please!" I mumbled into my pillow. 

The noise didn't stop, and I sat up, ready to simply put the cat out of my room, but before I could even pick him up, I noticed two bright lights shining through my window. The sound wasn't Mouse, but instead, now that I listened closer, the engine of a car. That wasn't as concerning as the fact that the headlights were shining directly through my bedroom window... My upstairs bedroom window.

I got out of bed, pulling back the curtains to peer outside. This confirmed what I had suspected, but only brought up more questions. Why was there a flying car outside my window in the middle of the night? Isn't enchanting muggle objects illegal? What charm could they have even used? Who was driving said car? Was I being kidnapped? Was any of this really happening? Was I just having a really vivid dream?

Practically all of these questions were answered once the car turned so I could see who was inside. As I looked through the passenger side window, I saw two smiling red haired boys. It was Ron, with Fred in the driver's seat. George was waving to me from the back and I had to pinch myself to make sure this was actually happening. 

I knew I would get up to some wild adventures when I befriended the twins, but this was something that I couldn't have made up even if I tried.

"Hey there, June," Fred grinned, doing his best to keep the car steady as it hovered by my window. 

"What in Merlin's name are you doing?" I asked, not even thinking, but letting the first words that came to me fall out of my mouth. 

"Nice to see you too, Juni." George rolled his eyes as he smiled over at me. 

"We're going to go rescue, Harry." Ron said, and I realized that he was definitely going to make putting himself in danger for Harry into a regular thing. 

First, the chess board, and now stealing a car and going on a secret rescue mission in the middle of the night. What could possibly be next?

"Rescue him from what exactly?" I asked, thinking back to all of the assumptions I'd made about what his home life must have been like, and getting awfully worried. 

I couldn't shake the sight of him in those too big clothes and the way he shoveled food onto his plate and shoved himself full every evening. Something in my gut told me that his situation wasn't the same as mine or the Weasleys'. It was something else, and that made my stomach tighten into knots.

"We don't know," Fred said with a shrug, "But he hasn't been answering our letters as of late. Have you heard from him?"

"Cause this is gonna be all for nothing if it's just the fact that Harry hasn't written to us..." George shook his head. 

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