Year 5: It's A Date

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I'd been excused for my next week of classes after what happened, and somehow, the weekend was upon us again, or it was about to be upon us. Technically, it was Friday afternoon, and while most other students were in class, Neville and I were out in the courtyard, books open, but our minds weren't on anything close to plants. We'd started out talking about the schreechsnap that I'd worked with in my last Herbology class, but then, he'd asked about something he'd heard drifting around in the halls.

People talk, and now, several days later, almost everyone knew about my little episode in Professor Lupin's class, and the fact that George had taken me to my dorm and hadn't returned to class for the rest of the day. I'm sure that with my newfound reputation that anyone with at least three braincells could figure out the sort of rumors that had cropped up when people heard that bit about George.

And it wasn't like anyone was being discreet about their rumors either. Just this morning, I was walking to the great hall for breakfast and someone had flipped up my skirt and asked me about me and my "eventful afternoon with Weasley." I'd told them what I didn't know what they were talking about, and they just asked me all these horribly invasive personal questions. Pulling my wand only made it worse with comments on how well I handled wood.

Thankfully, Professor Lupin had been standing nearby, and he'd come to run them off, but not before he told them that they could say goodbye to their Hogsmeade privileges, and that they could serve detention with him for the next few days. He'd also said they were lucky that he didn't expel them for such crude behavior.

But for now, I was trying to avoid being completely honest to Neville about everything. Although, I had told him that I'd kissed Derrick, and then spent a whole afternoon just spending time with George days later. Neville was just a boy, but he was also a boy, which meant that maybe he could help me decide on what I was going to do. So that I could try and see it from the male point of view, and thus far, he seemed to be helping me.

"So, you kissed Derrick that one time," Neville said, "But you've kissed George loads of times."

"Well, I wouldn't say loads," I shrugged, "Just a couple times."

"But a couple is more than one," Neville nodded.

"Obviously, Neville."

"All I'm saying is that the choice should be obvious," He shrugged, "I still think that you should just go and confess to George. He stayed with you after what happened the other day, even when you fell asleep, he stayed with you."

"Derrick stayed with me too," I said.

"No, excuse my forcefulness, but you stayed with him," He shook his head, "It was different. You were upset, and the conversation ended with you talking about him and what he wanted. That doesn't sound like he was there for you, does it?"

"No, I guess it doesn't," I sighed, "but I lied and told him that if all of my friends had someone to go with, I'd go to Hogsmeade with him. When, in reality, I was thinking about maybe asking George if he wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me, and if he said no, I'd just go with Derrick, but I can't do it anymore."

"Why not?"

"I'm scared."

"When has that ever stopped you before?" Neville asked, picking at the corner of his book.

"Every time that had to do with George," I sighed, rubbing my eyes until those colorful spots littered my vision.

"It shouldn't stop you though," Neville said, nodding to himself, "He likes you, we all see it. I think he's just as nervous as you, and you need to make the first move or maybe it won't happen at all. It's understandable that he's nervous. You're you, but I don't see what makes you so nervous about him. No offence."

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