Year 6: I Don't Plan on Losing You

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(Lets celebrate, it's the 100th part of George and Juniper's story! I can't believe I've kept this story going for so long. It may not be as popular as it once was, but to those that have been here since the beginning, I thank you. None of this would have been possible without you. So, now that we're done celebrating, I think that we can move on with the story, I'm sure you will enjoy it because there is a very big moment for Juni and George here. Hopefully you'll enjoy some flashbacks that have been rewritten from George's POV! ENJOY!)

Juni's POV:

I sat uncomfortably in the first row as I entered my first class of the day, defense against the dark arts. This class specifically, I'd skipped every day since the year started. There was just something about Professor Moody that made my skin crawl. So, why I decided to sit front and center, I have no idea. I suppose there was a small part of my brain that was still caught up on how much experience he had with the dark arts, and it knew better than the anxious parts that there was a lot to learn from him. What happened at the quidditch world cup had certainly stirred the part of me that was desperate to learn anything to defend myself.

There was no one beside me and as the students stopped trickling in through the door, I supposed that I was alone for this session, not that I could blame them for not wanting to be in full view of that bloody class eye. The aged wooden seat beneath me groaned in protest as I shifted my weight, trying without success to feel even the slightest bit comfortable, however, all of the new décor was making that awfully difficult.

The front of the room was littered with glass globes and jars, filled with different species of creepy crawling things. If I focused hard enough, I could hear their spindly legs taping against the glass as they walked. Disgusting. I found myself picking at my nails out of nervousness, I had only heard terrible things about this professor as a person and an auror, nothing he did as a teacher could surprise me.

My eyes were torn away from the terrifying creatures presented in front of me when a large figure stepped in front of my desk. Expecting a student, I wore a disinterested expression as my eyes met theirs. However, when one of my grey eyes was met with a glass one, spinning wildly in its socket, my blood ran cold. Professor Moody. I looked away as quickly as I'd looked up, my eyes settling back on the magical insects.

"I've noticed you've been absent from my class so far this year, Miss Clemonte," He breathed, "I hope you haven't come down with anything, or perhaps, been up to anything you shouldn't be."

"I've just been feeling a little under the weather is all, sir," I mumbled, eyes still clinging to the glass terrariums.

"Beauties, aren't they?" He asked, dragging a finger along one of the glass jars closest to us. As he spoke, I could pick up on the very distinct scent of knotgrass. Who has knotgrass mead this early in the morning?

"If you say so, Professor," I mumbled quietly, not making eye contact. The way his glass eye moved on its own was daring to make me sick.

"You kids these days are such pushovers, you need to learn to have a backbone," He grunted, taking a sip of his flask, which I noticed is where the stench had been coming from.

"Do you always drink alcohol so early in the morning, and while teaching?"

"I'm a grown man, I can do whatever I please," He said, wiping the corner of his mouth.

I kept any thoughts I had to myself, best not to stir the pot on my first day of his class. These past few years I had gotten myself into more than enough trouble and I didn't need to get it started back up again so early in the year. There are too many things going on this year to get myself involved in drama right here at the start. Although he had told me I needed a backbone, and then when I opened my mouth, it wasn't what he wanted. I suppose that all adults are all the same about that sort of thing.

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