Year 4: Teenager in Love

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"Wow, Juniper," Adrian said, holding his hand out for me to shake, "You went and did it again. You won fair and square." 

"It wasn't just me," I shook my head, "I just happen to be on a team that's much better than yours."

"Don't be so modest," He rolled his eyes at my pride. 

"But you just did pretty good too. You put up quite the hustle out there, even if it may have been futile in the end." 

"PUCEY, GET YOUR ARSE AWAY FROM HER AND LET'S GO!" Flint shouted, making Adrian jump. 

"It seems Flint is a little upset that we lost again," He nodded, "So, I'm just going to go." 

Adrian ran off to join the rest of his sulking team as they wandered off the pitch that was now filled with people coming to talk to us now that the game was over. Among them were the girls that Cedric had invited, Luna, Ginny, and of course, Oliver. 

Wood made his way over to Colleen and they started talking in hushed voices. I didn't even want to think about what they were talking about because Colleen was not a private person when it came to almost anything, and now she was whispering. Cho, Jodie, and even Pandora were crowded around Cedric, all blushing as he talked even though he wasn't signing anything, so Jodie was probably in the dark about everything that came out of his mouth. 

A couple people that came over to me now that the twins were talking to Susan and giving her a few pointers on how to improve as a beater. She was eating up all that she could as it was no secret that they were some of the best beaters here at Hogwarts. The girls coming over to me were Luna, Ginny, and Heather. 

Luna looked just as spacey and calm as she always did, clutching at a large, out of date camera against her chest and I knew that she was going to be taking pictures for the upcoming edition of Hog Gossip. We'd had quite a bit of trouble hunting that thing down now that Colin and his camera were out of commission. 

Heather was as bright and bubbly as she had been this morning whenever she finally joined us at breakfast. She'd again decked herself in enough yellow to blind everyone in a five-mile radius and was beaming at me as she and the younger girls made their way over. She held in her hands the video camera that she'd given to me for Christmas and I assumed that she'd recorded some of the game. Now only if she would tell me how I was supposed to watch them now that it was on the tapes...

Ginny looked even worse than she did the other night that I'd stayed in the Gryffindor tower. The bags under her eyes made me tired, and even though I didn't think it was possible, she looked even paler. It was as though she were dying, and I was starting to get really worried about her because nobody else seemed to be realizing that anything was wrong with her. 

"Smile for all the adoring fans, Juniper," Heather said when she got closer, holding the camera up so she could look through the view finder. 

I smiled as wide as I could and laughed, "Get that thing out of my face, Heather." 

"Doll, trust me, you are going to want to look back on this moment years from now, and you might even shed a tear when you do," She shook her head, "Cedric get over here and tell the camera a little bit about the game!"

It looked like Cedric apologized to the girls before he started on over to where me and the three other girls were standing. He slung an arm over my shoulders and pulled me against his side, a proud smile wide on his face. 

"Where do I look?" He asked. 

"Just right there at the front, it doesn't really matter." Heather shrugged. 

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