19. Kai

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"What the hell is going on, Kai?" Caroline asked as we sat across each other on the kitchen island and I sighed, "why did that guy abduct me?"

"To get to me," I replied making her look at me confused, I took a deep breath before telling her everything and but the time I was done Caroline looked pale and sick.

"Oh god," she whispered covering her mouth as tears filled her eyes, "God, Kai,"

"It's okay, Caroline," I said giving her a reassuring smile reaching for her hand and giving it a soft squeeze,

"How can you say that after what you've been through?" She asked

"Because I always had someone watching over me during those times," I said making her furrow her brows in confusion, "I had my friend John with me the entire time and he was the one who got me out of that hell."

"But that man, the one who abducted me, said he wanted you when he called you from my phone" she stated,

"He and whoever else is coming after him had and will have a hard time getting through the Boss," the familiar voice of my friend and personal guard said and we looked over at John to see him walk into the kitchen, "Frederick was dumb for even threatening him."

"Wouldn't they have given that up though? Since you're married?" She asked turning to me as John went to the fridge taking out a jug of water

I shook my head, "no, because to them it's even more thrilling going after someone that's already taken,"

"But you're married to the Zeke Robertson!" She said exclaimed throwing her hands in the air, "wouldn't that be enough to stop them?"

"Like he said, it's the thrill of going after someone that's unavailable that drives them," John said leaning on the counter, glass of water in hand, "To then knowing he belongs to the Boss is more exciting then knowing he belonged to Rick who was a nobody."

"Are they that desperate to die that they'll go to such extremes?" She asked incredulous and John smirked while I gave her a slight nod and she shook her head, "I would've given up long ago if I knew that the person I was after was married to the leader of Ravance,"

"Most of them had," John said with a shrug, "which I congratulate seeing as they will never succeed since the Boss is always ten steps ahead of them and always ready for their attack."

And I couldn't agree more with him in that, something told me that Zeke was already planning his next move as we speak. Caroline only nodded at that not knowing what to say.

"Anyway, the Boss actually asked me tell you that you'll be staying here until he's taken care of the others," John said making Caroline blink before shaking her head, "it's for your own good, Miss Storm."

"I can't" she retaliated, "I'll be fine at my ho-"

"Your home has been ransacked, Miss Storm, by another of Rick's connections trying to get any information you may have," John said cutting her off and her eyes nearly popped out of her head, "your boyfriend luckily wasn't home or else he'd be in the same position you had been earlier"

"Where is he now then?" She asked, her voice shaking with worry and fear and I couldn't blame her, "is he safe?"

"Yes, he's safe. He should be arriving here soon" He answered

"How do you know about my place?" She asked and that's how it went for a few minutes, Caroline asking questions and John answering them before the double doors to the kitchen banged open and a handsome male with spiky hair and tattoos stormed in followed by Tony. He rushed to Caroline's side and pulled her into a hug whispering words into her ear as she just nodded and hugged him back.

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