36. Zeke

875 54 1

April 7, 2020

I stood in front of my mirror fixing my tie when I spotted Caden in the mirror. I raised a brow and he smiled walking in and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Is the great Ezekiel Robertson nervous?" He teased making me roll my eyes, "You look great big brother."

"You don't look so bad yourself either, Cade, "I replied moving to sit beside him, "is there a reason as to why you came to see me instead of helping Kai?"

"Kai has his mother and Caroline helping him" he replied and I nodded, "Mom would be proud of yo.,"

I cleared my throat at the mention of my mother and wished that she were here. Witnessing this moment with us. She and Gabriel deserved to have a place in the wedding and I wish she were here row all with me down the aisle towards the altar where I'd wait for Kai to join me when he walks down the aisle with his father. I shook my head and sighed.

"I know," I murmured and he rested his head on my shoulder, "Nothing in life is ever fair is it, kid?"

"Life is filled with unfairness, brother," he answered making me chuckle, "now come on, don't want you to be late to your wedding." He stood up from the bed and patted my shoulder before walking out of my room.

Kai had stayed with his parents in their house the night entire with Anna claiming it would be bad luck to see the groom before the wedding. We had put up quite a fight but in the end, Anna won and they took Kai and Ashton away. The house has never felt so empty until they weren't here. But fuck did I miss them.

My phone buzzing in my pocket made me snap out of my thought and I pulled it out of my pocket to see that Kai had sent me a text along with a picture of Ashton in his three-piece tux making me smile.

'Wifey' Kai had rolled his eyes when I had his contact as that before he shook his head and he just went along with it.

Hi Dada! Can't wait to see you again! See you soon! I chuckled at each exclamation point at the end of each sentence before sending him a text back saying that I couldn't wait either and that I mised them before putting my phone away and grabbing my jacket and putting it on and then walking out of my room.

"Ready to finally tie the knot?" Tony asked as he walked beside me as we made our way to the back towards the compound where the ceremony will be taking place.

The event planner had arrived yesterday evening and had set everything up with her helpers even setting a massive tent up to cover the guests in case it rains and decorated the gazebo with white and yellow roses—both of which were Kai's favorite flowers.

"Damn," Tony whistled as we stepped onto the compound that didn't look as if the gang trained here. As in Kai's words, beautiful.

"Damn is right," I agreed before Caden joined us as he'd be walking with me to the altar.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded and so we walked together to the altar where Alec—Kai's brother—was standing as he was going to be officiating the wedding. We greeted each other with a head nod before I moved to stand at the front with Caden who was my best man stood beside me with Tony, Lorenzo, and a few of my best and trusted men who stood as my groom's men. Caroline, John, and his brothers—James and Sam—along with their partners and River stood as Kai's matron of honor and groom's men.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over to see Caden smiling and Tony smirked making me roll my eyes, "Relax, you're making us all nervous with your tapping and swaying," Caden whispered making me blink as I stopped tapping my foot and took a deep breath, "He's not going to leave you at the altar, Zeke."

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