46. Zeke

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September 1, 2020

"Hey," I looked up at the son for Caden's voice to see him standing at the threshold of my office and I beckoned him in while closing the folder I had been looking over. He liked relatively better than the the last last few weeks. He had color to his skin and had this glow to him that I've notice on Kai.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked leaning back in my chair to give him my undivided attention, "How are you feeling?"

He bit his lip as he looked down at his hands. I stared at him, and let him gather his thoughts as I didn't want to force him. I may be his Boss, but he's also my baby brother and family comes before anything else. It took him a few moments to gather himself up before looking up, tears in his eyes making me jump to my feet and run to his side. I gathered him into my arms as he cried.

"Hey, now, shh, it's alright, Cade, whatever you want to tell me can wait." I said but he shook his head before chuckling making me pull back to look down at him clearly confused. He was crying one second then laughing the next? What was up with—wait a second. I felt my eyes widen as realization dawned on me.

"Are you—are you pregnant?" I asked lightly not wanting to make assumptions of my own brother but when he face me a watery smile along with head nod I couldn't help but feel static. I grinned before pulling him into another thug which had him laughing as he wrapped his arms around, "wait, how far along are you? And how did Tony react?"

"6 weeks," He replied when we pulled apart, "He was happy, but now we're going to be raising two babies at once." I nodded in understanding. Kai and I were going to be doing the exact same with our baby girl and Ashton. They'll be 15 months apart.

"You'll do a great job, Cade." I said wiping his tears away, "And if you ever need help, don't ever hesitate to ask, Kai and I are more than happy to help."

"I know," he murmured with a smile, "I still can't believe I'm having a baby, we always figured to wait until JJ was at least 4 before having another one."

"Things never go as planned, kiddo, believe me." I said with a shake of my head and a chuckle, "I didn't expect to have another baby so soon."

"True that," he said with a smile before excusing himself. I nodded and gave him one last hug before he left.


Two days later I found myself sitting outside of the delivery room waiting to be called in. Kai's water had broken an hour ago and he was having contractions five minutes apart. It was currently 3 in the morning and had sent a group text to our family to let them know that Kai was in labor. Since Kai's parents lived with us, they were in our floor in minutes since they got the message.

"Keep us posted," Landon had said as I helped Kai to the elevator and pressing the button for the bottom floor when're both my office and the infirmary were located. Doctor Kelly had already been waiting for us since she was the first I messaged to let her know we were coming down.

"Boss?" I looked up to see Dr. Kelly stepping out fit be delivery room, you can come in. We're about to start." She said and I nodded and filed after her. I sat next to Kai's head and smiled down at him.

"Hi, love." I murmured as I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips before putting my mask back up, "you ready to welcome our baby?"

"Ready as ever." He replied with a grin as Doc Kelly asked if he could feel below his waste and when he said no, she nodded and began the procedure.

"We still have to think of a name for her," Kai said as we waited for the sound of her cries to fill the room.

"I know, but we'll know once we've got her in our arms." I said just as a loud wail echoed through that walks of the small room and I grinned as tears filled my eyes.

"Hi mommy and daddy," Doctor Kelly said as she held our baby girl over the curtain separating his lower and upper halves. She was covered in gunk, "ready to cut the cord?" I nodded standing up and taking the medical scissors and cutting the cord where she indicated. She was absolute beautiful with her dark hair and fair skin. One of the nurses took her to the hearing crib and cleaned her off all the while she wailed and trembles.

"Go, stay with her." Kai muttered as he noticed my conflict and I gave him a look that asked if he was sure and he nodded, "she needs to hear your voice to know she's safe." I nodded, leaned down and gave him another kiss before walking towards the nurses who were cleaning our baby off.

"Hi beautiful," I whispered holding a finger towards her and her wails turned to whimpers as she moved her head in my direction, "you're alright baby girl." Her little fist gripped my finger and I smiled.

"Congratulations, Don." One of the nurses said once she had my girl bundled in a yellow blanket. I thanked her before taking the newborn into my arms. I walked back to Kai who had his shirt back down and the curtain had been removed before resting our baby down into his arms.

"Gods, she's perfect," he murmured looking dow at her with teary eyes, "Everything about her is perfect."

"You did amazing baby," I said before moving aside to let the nurses wheel him to the recovery room a door over. I sent another group text to let them know Kai and baby are doing good. Monica and Landon were the first for come visit with Ashton.

"So have you picked a name yet?" Monica asked as she cooed over her granddaughter who was currently sleeping in the bassinet beside the bed.

"Ashlie Sofia," Kai replied making me snap my head up, those had been the names that I had picked, and he smiled, "We've had so many names picked but none had peeked my interest more than those had, and that's thanks to Zeke since he had picked them."

"Those are perfect names," Monica said with a smile, "for an equally perfect baby."

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