16. Zeke

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You better keep a close eye on your little toy before something happens to him


I clenched my jaw as I read the note over and over again ever since John handed it to me. There were a few snaps of Kai out with Tony and Caden within the past three weeks. They were all of him either at the
mall or at the local library where he started working not even four days ago. Landon stood beside me looking pissed as he read the words on the paper.

"Who the fuck is F?" He asked as I crumpled the paper and tossed it in the garbage.

"Someone who really wants to get a bullet between his eyes." I replied knowing full well who the bastard that wrote the note was.

F, or Frederick Garcia was one of the many gang leaders that had been one of Rick's allies but not only that but he's been one of my biggest enemies since I took over as the leader of Ravance. He's been trying to take me down for years but he has never been successful. He's tried many times to interfere with my drug and weapons negotiations but as always, he fails.

Frederick had always tried to become a feared gang but he's a laughing stock to every big gang in Colorado. So I wasn't surprised when I learned that he became an ally of Rick's. But that wasn't what had angered me then, what did was the fact that Rick had sold Kai over to him. If he thinks that he'll even get a remote chance at taking Kai then he's got a whole lot coming.

"Where's Kai now?" Landon asked

"He should be arriving soon," I said and not even a second after I said that, the door to my office burst open and a terrified Kai walked in cradling his baby bump with both Tony and Caden trialing after him, "what happened?"

"We were at the mall when Kai started to look behind and around us," Tony began to explain

"At first we thought he was being paranoid—sorry again for thinking that Kai—but after we went to Carter's to buy a few things for the baby I started feeling strange so I looked over my shoulder and that's when I saw a guy looking our way" Caden added before Tony spoke up again,

"He followed us for the last thirty minutes of us being at the mall. I somehow managed to get us away from him and when we were far away I saw him looking around before cursing and walking away. I took that as our chance to get the hell out of there,"

"Did you recognize him?" I asked pulling Kai closer and could feel him shaking, I rubbed his back to calm him down as it wasn't healthy for the baby for him to be this distraught, "or at least noticed something familiar about him?"

"It was of Fredrick's guys—what was his name? Casey? Charlie?—he has a few tattoos on his left arm one being that of a Phoenix in flames" Caden and explained and I clenched my jaw, "do you recognize him?"

"Yeah. He's names Cristobal. He's Fredrick's right hand. The bastard's lucky I wasn't there or he'd be in a pool of his own blood right about now." I replied, before explaining who Cristobal was and what he had done and once I had, Tony, Caden and Landon looked like they wanted to go look for him and do my job for me.

Cristobal Sandoval is a Cuban-American 34 year old bastard that wasn't just Fredrick's right hand but was also a sick son of a bitch who enjoyed torturing anyone and everyone that he deemed satisfactory. And that included children as young as 3 years old to elderly people who can barley care for themselves.  Half of the people that are now part of my gang or Ryder's had been his victims or knew someone who had been a victim of his.

Yes, I've killed children before but that was years ago and it was to send my enemies a message but as I grew older I realized that children were just innocent pawns and decided to take them and their families from their old gangs and into mine.

I may have been a sick bastard back then but Cristobal took the cake. He tortured them to the point of death then would have sex with them. I've been a witness one too many times that even thinking about it had my stomach churning.

"Was he with anyone else?" I heard Landon ask bringing me out of no thoughts and saw Caden and Tony shake their heads before Caden frowned nodding his head towards the crumpled paper in the  bin

"What's this?" He asked taking it out since I rarely tossed anything and if I do I usually rip it up instead of crumpling it up, "so he's decided to be the first to try to get to Kai, it seems?" He asked once he read the note and I nodded.

"I can't miss work," Kai said pulling away to look up at me and I pursed my lips as I stared down at him, "I just started working at the library I can't just not go."

"It's too dangerous for you to be going to the library right now," I said and he shook his head, "Kai, please"

"I'm not missing work, Zeke" he replied with his eyes filled with determination and I sighed cupping his cheeks leaning my forehead against his, "I'll have as many guards as you want me to have but please don't make me stop going to work,"

"Until this threat is gone, you'll have guards with you the entire time you're working," I said and he nodded, "and I know I'm asking for too much but I want you to message me every minute and if I don't get one then that's it."

"Okay," he agreed and I nodded before pulling away to look at the others in the room, "Tony, you and Caden will be in charge of finding where Fredrick is hiding and what he plans to do in order to get Kai," both Tony and Caden nodded, "John, I need you to gather as many guards that you think are strong and able enough to be part of Kai's security,"

"I know a few who are," he answered and I nodded.

"What do you want me to do?" Landon asked

"You're to stay inside at all costs because knowing Fredrick, in order to get to Kai he'll most likely go after you or your family." I said, "which brings me to the question, I need you to give me your family's information so I can send my men to their locations to keep an eye on them."

"You really think he'll go after them?" Kai asked and I nodded

"But don't worry, I won't let that happen."

You messed with the wrong fucking person Fredrick Sandoval and you will see just why people fear me and call me the Boss.

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