45. Kai

624 41 1

July 28, 2020

I was officially 31 today. Meaning that this little girl will be gracing us with be prescience in 9 weeks. She's also become more active I've rather past few weeks as as well. Like I had planned, we three Ashton his first birthday and he absolutely loved all the attention he was getting from everyone that had been invited. Specially from Zeke who and taken him out to see Cali and the puppies before returning with one of them on a leash.

The last time I had to watch my husband leave the house due to an enemy gang threatening us, was two weeks ago and we haven't gotten one threat since. I know that I shouldn't be thinking of those things but it's kinda hard not too considering my husband line of work.

"You've got that thinking look on, what wrong?" I blinked and looked up at Zeke who was staring down at me with a raised brow. He was wearing a two piece navy blue suit with a white button-down shirt underneath with black dress shoes. His hair was styled to perfection as always wether at home or the office.

"Did you go into the office today?" I asked not replying to his question and he nodded but still waited for my answer and I smiled, "Just glad that we haven't received any threats."

He nodded and walked over to me before placing his hands on my bump, "Even if we do get the , I will always keep you and our children save."

"I know," I replied resting my hands above his just as our baby girl began moving as if knowing he daddy was present making us chuckle, "She knows you're home."

"Dada!" Ashton screeched in excitement as Ryan carried him into the kitchen making Zeke smile as he took our one year form his uncle before peppering kisses all over his face earning loud giggles from Ash.

"Have you been good for mommy?" He asked easing up in the kisses and my poor baby was red in the face form his fit of giggles and struggling to catch his breathing before giving his father a toothy grin and nod, "That's my boy."

"Mama," he grinned and I smiled as Zeke brought him over and he gave me a slobbery kiss on the cheek making me chuckle and return one make him beam before yawing.

"I figured it would be his nap time that's why I brought him in," Ryan said from the door and we nodded, I liked at the time and sure enough it was nearing 1 and he usually took his nap around this time.

"Thank you, big brother, he wasn't given you and Lily any trouble right?" I asked and be shook his head, "that's good, did you bring the boys?"

"Yes but all three este down for their naps," my eldest brother said and I nodded, "I'll leave you both to look after the little man. I promised Lily to help her with the garden while the kids are asleep."

"See you later, then?" Zeke asked and my brother nodded before he excused himself after tussling Ashton's hair but the little evil was so sleepy he didn't even care. His eye were already closing as his head rested on Zeke's shoulder.

"You need some rest too, love," he stated as he helped me off the chair I was sitting and I hummed rubbing my belly. 2 and half more months to go and this little girl will be with us. I put my empty cup on the sink making a mental note to wash it once I work up form my nap, before following Zeke and our son out of the kitchen and towards the elevator that will take us to our floor.


"Have you guys picked a name for her yet?" Caden asked a few hours later and I shook my head, "you do know she'll be here before you two know it, right?"

"We know, we're Jair having trouble picking a name out." I replied with a sigh. We've gone through so many baby book names but none of them had caught our eye. "We figured that we'd pick one when she's born."

"That's understandable," he agreed with a nod, "I can't believe she's almost here."

"I know, it's insane," I rieléis with a chuckle rubbing my belly before smiling as I felt her give a light kick, "here,give me your hand." He frowned but gave me his hand either way before his eyes widened when he felt the baby give another soft kick or maybe it was a punch.

"That's so crazy," he said with a grin, "she's very active."

"Very, she won't let me be comfortable for a few minutes because as soon as I am, she'll be moving none stop until I'm not." I shook my head with a fond smile and he smiled nodding, "I know you're still getting used to the idea of being parents to JJ but have you thought about having more?"

"Yes," Caden replied with a smile, "When we had gotten together we both agreed that we'd adopt our first child because there are so many children in this world needing a forever home, so when the chance came to adopt JJ we took it." I nodded at his explanation, "well try to have one of our own once JJ's a bit older but for now we're just enjoying having him."

"That's a good plan," I agreed, "Though this little one wasn't planned I had hoped to wait until Ash was at least three or four to try but nothing ever goes as planned."

"I couldn't have said it better," we looked up at the sound of Caroline's voice and saw her making her way into the living room where Caden and I have been ever since I woke up from my nap three hours ago. Zeke and Ashton had woken up before I had and they had gone to the kennels to pay Cali a visit.

"How's the baby?" I asked looking at her small bump and she smiled giving it a little rub.

"Growing." She chuckled, "I still can't get over the fact you're closing in on your due date."

"Tell me about it," I chuckled making both Caden and Caroline smile, "do you know what you're gonna have?"

"No, but we should be finding out next week, hopefully." She answered and we raised a brow at her reply making her chuckle, "we were supposed to find out last week but they little human decided to not show us what they'll be."

"Oh, that's how it was with Ashton and this one," I said , "We didn't get to know until I was further into my pregnancy with Ash to know he was gong to be a boy and this little girl didn't show us what she'll be until I was probably 20 weeks,"

"Cade? At you okay?" I asked when I saw his face turn green and he quickly excused himself rubbing out do the room. Caroline and I liked at each other confused.

"Was it something I said?" She asked ambit I shook my head, "I wonder what happened."

She wasn't the only one, I did motive him looking a little pale and was going to suggest he go see Doctor Kelly. I furrowed my brows, worried for my brother in law. What could have possibly caused him to get sick all of a sudden? He had been fine just a few moments ago. I sighed and gave Caroline a small reassuring smile before changing the subject.

"So have you've picked names yet?"

"Yes, but River thinks we'll end up picking the right one when the baby's here." She replied and I nodded, "And you? Did you guys pick one yet?"

"I wish."

"Hey babe? Oh hey Care," Zeke said as he walked into the cling room carrying Ashton who was grinning from ear to ear as he held a flower in his little hands.

"Hey," Caroline greeted with a smile.

"Hi, love, did you need anything?" I asked and he blinked as if  remembering something.

"Oh yeah, do you know why Caden ran towards Kelly's office just now?" He asked and I shook my head.

"We were just talking about the babies when he got really pale and just up and ran out of here." I said and he nodded brows furrowed in worry. I coding blame him though, Caden was his little brother after all.

"I suppose we should wait and see what he has to say when he returns," he stated, before smiling, "have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet," I replied and he nodded before walking over to help me to my feet with Caroline helping him since he had Ashton in his left arm , "will you join us for some late lunch, Care?"

"Of course,"

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