23. Kai

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Seeing my mother and brothers again after two years was the best feeling in the world. Though it was awkward at first with us not knowing what to say to each other once we had gone to the living room but that all changed when mom began her questions.

"Are you happy?" She had asked as we sat across each other in the living room with Caden, Tony, Caroline and River giving us space to speak by going to the adjacent room to speak with each other.

"Yes," I had replied without a second thought because I was. My nightmare with Rick ended and I was in a healthier and loving relationship with a man I will never get tired of thanking for saving me and loving me without question and accepting me in all of my damages. For stepping up to the plate to be the  father that my son deserves when he didn't have to. Zeke has giving me everything I could have ever asked for and I am beyond lucky because he chose me with scares and everything. "Zeke is the best thing to have ever happened to me after the birth of Ashton,"

She smiled and reached over the coffee table to cup my face, "As much as I don't like the idea of you being married to gang leader, I can see that he loves you and cares for you and makes you happy, it's what every mother wants for her children."

I swallowed the lump in my throat at her words and hugged her back, "he makes me extremely happy, mama," I murmured and she had given me a soft squeeze seeing as I had Ashton in my arms.

After that, my brothers also started talking about what they've been up to the past two years with Ryan getting married to his high school sweetheart who also happens to be his baby mama, Ariel, then Alex said he recently got reacquainted with an old high school friend and was seeing where things took them from there while James told me about him and his wife of five years were expecting their third child this coming winter.

I then formally introduced my friends, Caroline River, Tony and Caden to my mother and brothers but as I was getting to tell them how Caroline and I met, we heard Zeke yelling in the foyer.

"What's going on?" Mom asked but I shook my head since I didn't know as well. Wanting to know what was going on, we all decided to go into the foyer to see.

"FUCKING FIND HER AND BRING HER TO ME NOW!" He yelled making Ashton jump in my arms before wailing which had Zeke looking in our directions as I rocked Ashton to quiet him down

"What's going on?" Caden asked as Zeke walked over to us and as if sensing him, Ashton's cries turned to sniffles and whimpers before quieting down when Zeke gently rubbed his cheek

"We've got a worm in the gang," he answered and Ashton turned his head in the direction of his father's voice before blinking his eyes open to stare at him, "hey Buddy"

Ashton blinked his eyes and stuck his tongue out before nestling his head in Zeke's arms when he took him from me

"What do you mean by worm?" James asked confused,

"A spy," Zeke replied, "someone in here has been speaking to the enemy and I'm going to find out who it is and there will be consequences," just as he said that, Jametson and Riley, two of Zeke's guards, came in dragging none other than Dolores herself who was screaming and kicking.

Lorenzo, who I thought would have stopped them from hurting her, stood back with stone cold eyes as they practically tossed her at Zeke's feet. Nothing is hotter than a man holding a baby as they glare daggers down at the person who causes problems. And damn, did Zeke look the part as he looked down at her with balding hazel eyes while holding our son. My brothers looked ready to interfere but were held back by Tony and Caden who shook their heads and whispered to them.

"Don't interfere with the Boss' orders,"

"I didn't do anything," were the first words out of her mouth,

Zeke didn't say anything as he turned to me and handed Ashton back to me then turned back to her and slapping her across the face knocking her down further in the ground which earned a gasp from mother and angry protests from my brothers

"How could you slap her?!" James yelled

"What could she possibly do to get such treatment?" Ryan quizzed

"Why don't you hit someone who can handle a hit unlike her?" Alex added and I sighed, bless their souls for not knowing what kind of person Dolores was or else they'd be the ones hitting her as they didn't give two shits if you were a woman or not, if you mistreated any of us, then you're bound to get your ass handed to you by the others.

"How long have you been talking to a member of The Snakes for, Dolores?" Zeke asked completely ignoring their outbursts, "when Ashton was born?"

She, of course, said nothing as she sat on the floor holding her cheek with her eyes on the ground, "better yet, the very moment Kai came to live here, isn't that right, Dolores?"

She kept quiet and I could tell Zeke was getting angrier by the second as she kept her mouth shut. My brothers of course didn't say anything else as they stared at her with contempt upon learning what she did to earn a hit from Zeke. Nothing. No matter how many times Zeke demanded her to answer, Dolores remained silent and the longer she was quiet, the angrier my husband got.

"Kai" I looked at my husband and he nodded towards the hall and I took that as my cue to take my parents and brothers away and nodded

"Come on," I said earning their attention, "let me show you the rest of the house," I didn't wait to see if they were following me or not and made my way down the hall away from the foyer.

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