37. Kai

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April 15, 2020

"KAI!" Caden exclaimed as soon as I climbed out of the SUV five weeks after having gone on my honeymoon with Zeke and Ashton. Yes, Ashton did go with us but we also had taken Ariel, one of Zeke's trusted gang members to watch Ashton for us whenever Zeke and I wanted alone time—which was rare seeing as Ashton barely wanted to be separated from us. Five weeks had gone in a blink and it all seems as if it were a dream. A beautiful dream.

We had gone to Barbados for our honeymoon and I have to say, it is absolutely beautiful there. Everything from the food to the beaches was breathtaking. I was in absolute awe when we had driven from the airport to Zeke's—ours, I have to remember that since that's what Zeke has been saying—private home.

I didn't know where we were going for our honeymoon because Zeke has said he wanted it to be a surprise. So imagine my surprise when we landed in Grantley Adams International Airport one of Barbados airports.

"I didn't think you remembered," I had said when we landed and he picked Ashton from his spot beside him on the leather couch before we climbed out of the jet.

"I always remember everything you tell me," he replied with a smile as he linked his fingers with my own, "You told me it had been a dream of yours for years to come here so this is my wedding gift to you."

"It's the best gift ever, thank you, Zeke, I absolutely love it," I said sniffling and he pulled me into his side being careful not to wake Ashton up from his nap. He had fallen asleep an hour before we landed.

"No need to thank me, Love," he replied pressing a kiss to my temple before we climbed down the steps and walked towards our awaiting car.

"Don, Donna," the driver greeted us when a smile and small bow before holding the back door of the car open, I was surprised to find a car seat installed inside.

"Hello Ansel," Zeke greeted him back before gently strapping Ashton into the car seat before letting me slide into the seat. Once I was settled, he closed the door and walked around to the other side before climbing in. "Have you put all of our luggage into the trunk?"

"Yes, Boss." The driver, Ansel, replied as he turned the car on and made his way out of the airport and towards the home that we'll be staying in for the next five weeks.

"Kai," I felt myself being shaken and I blinked and looked at Caden who gave me an exasperated look making me give him a sheepish smile, "you're still in Barbados," he chucked fondly with an eye roll, "Come on, I have something to show you,"

I raised a brow but allowed him to pull me towards the house. Ashton and Zeke trailed behind us with Ashton sleeping and Zeke softly chuckling at his brother's excitement.

He led the three of us up to our floor and into one of the vacant bedrooms beside mine and Zeke's room
before he turned to us—well to me since Zeke seemed to already know making me raise a brow—holding a black tie,

"Put this over your eyes," Caden instructed me and I looked at him with narrowed eyes but he only smiled, "it's nothing bad, I swear, now put them on,"

I sighed and put the tie over my eyes, "I swear if it's not something I like I'm going to punch you."

"That's mean," he stated before I felt his hand grab my own and then the sound of the door opening filled my ears, "Zeke even loved it when I showed it to him and he said that you'll it too."

"I knew it," I said and heard them chuckle making me roll my eyes.

"On the count of three you can take the blindfold off," Caden said as I felt him stand beside me on my left while Zeke stood on my other side,"1.....2...."

I didn't even wait for him to get to three before I was removing the silk material from my eyes and gasped.

The room had been completely redone from its former gray walls and dark hardwood floors. In its place was a breathtaking room with neutral colors. Since Zeke and o didn't know what the baby's sex was going to be this room was perfect.

"I had a great co-designer come help me with the nursery," Caden said as he stood beside me liking at the room, "since we don't know the baby's sex we went for a gender-neutral palette of white and sand, and brought in touches of black, green and warm terracotta in the rug and pillows," he pointed towards the floor where said pillows and rug lay.

"Plenty of natural materials like wood, leather, rope and woven seagrass." I said as I took the room in and Caden bit his lip, "it adds character and texture. And you did a good job noticing that it needed to be functional not just look good."

"Well duh," he replied with a smile, "nothing but the best for my future baby niece or nephew."

"Anyway," he stated after we stood silent for a few moments, "We brought in a twin-sized linen daybed for cuddling with Baby during the long nights, a sleek changing table to coordinate with the modern crib, and a crisp modern glider and ottoman for rocking him or her to sleep."

I looked where he pointed and I could already see myself on the rocking chair rocking the baby and Ashton to sleep on it or Zeke as he sings then a lullaby.

"When he called a few days after we got to Barbados about hiring a designer I thought it was to help him with his house but when he told me it was for the baby I was a little hesitant," Zeke said as he fixed his hood on Ashton-who had woken up a few moments ago—and looked at the room, "but when he sent me photos of the various rooms said designers had done I was as surprised and agreed to let them work on the nursery."

"That's why you had been so secretive the first few days of us being away," I said looking up at him and he gave me a sheepish smile and I shook my head, "I should be mad for being kept in the dark but I'm actually glad that you didn't tell me because this room is beautiful."

"Sorry Angel," he said and I smiled shaking my head.

"I knew you guys—more so Kai—wanted the room to be very gender neutral without being too boring. Plus I knew you would want the nursery to match the master bedroom in vibe—Moroccan accents, light wood finishes, neutral colors but also have a sort of whimsical, fairytale aspect to it." Caden said, "I mean that's how Ashton's room is," he fondly rolled his eyes and Ashton perked up at being mentioned.

"So that's where the wallpaper came in! I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it was a last minute addition?" I asked ans he nodded saying.

"It was and I knew you would love it since it's such a pretty print and in the right color without being too gender specific," he answered.

"I absolutely love it," I agreed and he grinned.

"There were five things that were huge priorities, some more obvious than others! A crib, dresser that acted as a changing table, soft rug, glider and day bed. You would the glider to feed the baby and calm them, and the day bed is perfect for when you want to lie down in there and just stare at them or take a little snooze while they sleep."

"Oh I will definitely be taking a nap in here with Ashton while the baby sleeps," I said making both him and Zeke chuckle at my words.

"I can already see that happening," Zeke said.

"Caden I don't know what to say other than thank you," I said and Caden smiled. I pulled him in for hug that made him gasp before his arms wrapped around me, "you are truly one of the greatest human beings I've ever known and I'm so glad that my kids have you as their uncle."

"I'm grateful for you, Kai," he whistled, "you have made our family whole," I shook my ebad.

"Our family will be whole once you and Tony have a child of your own," he sighed and pulled back giving me small sad smile, "and don't you dare say that it'll never happen because I know it will, no matter how long it takes, I know you will have a child of your own."

He nodded, "anyway, come on, I'm sure the rest of the gang are waiting to see you and welcome you all back."

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