17. Kai

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I walked into mine and Zeke's room after he began talking about the course action to take in regards of this Fredrick guy. He had stayed back to talk with the others and I was glad as it gave me time to think.

Ever since I arrived here, and after Rick was killed, we've had a few threats but each had been dealt with accordingly but something told me that this new foe wasn't like the others.

Perhaps I was being stupid in telling Zeke that I was going work. I've been selfish with him always demanding too much from him instead of paying attention to his words.

A knock on the door made me jump and turn towards it to see my dad standing there

"Is something wrong?" He asked and I swallowed the knot in my throat as I felt tears burn my eyes, "what's the matter?" He asked as he rushed into the room and pulled me into his arms. I gripped the back of his shirt as I felt the tears leak and roll down my face

"I'm so stupid, Papa, so so stupid" I whimpered and he just held me as best as he could with my belly in the way and whispered soothing words in my ear

"You're not stupid, Kai, what brought this up?" He asked pushing me gently away so he could see my face

I sniffled and wiped the tears from my face, "I just realized that I've been asking of Zeke so much," I mumbled and he raised a brow, "You heard what happened just now. Instead of listening to him in regards of me not going to work, I went against his wishes on me staying home until this new threat was dealt with."

"That boy would do anything to make you happy even if it means going against everything that he knows," he said and I bit my bottom lip before sighing and walking to the bed with him following and sitting on the arm chair we had near the end, "maybe this time you should actually listen to him when he says that it's dangerous for you to be working right now, specially now that you're expecting a child, Kai."

"But," I began but he shook his head

"There are no buts , Kai. This Fredrick fella is a danger to you and if Zeke says that you have to stay home you should listen to him and not defy him," he said cutting me off mid-protest, "you think he's okay with his choice in allowing you to go to work when there's a dangerous man lurking around that's trying to get you? He will be stressed the fuck out even if you have a hundred guards with you at work. He rather have you here where he knows that you're safe because he can see you."

I mauled his words over and he was right, I was being stupid and selfish of asking to much of Zeke when he's been doing everything he can to protect me and the baby. Zeke would not be calm even if I did have half of the gang with me watching my every move while at work.

"You're right," I said and he scoffed

"When am I not?" He asked making me roll my eyes

"Oh," we both looked at the door at the sound of Zeke's voice to see him frozen, "I didn't mean to interrupt,"

"You weren't interrupting anything, I was actually on my way out," Dad said as he stood up from his seat, gave my shoulder a soft squeeze, "I'll see you both in the morning,"

"Night, Dad" I mumbled as Zeke said

"Have a good night, Landon" Once the door was closed, Zeke walked over and sat on the bed across from me "what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I asked and he lifted his hand and gently wiped a tear away

"You've been crying," he stated and I chewed on my lip as I felt it quiver, "tell me what's wrong, Kai"

"I'm sorry," I murmured and he furrowed his brows in confusion, "I'm sorry for always demanding so much of you when all you've been trying to do is protect me especially now with a baby on the way. I've been so selfish with you."

"Kai," he said cupping my face so we could be eye to eye, "I never thought of you that way."

"I know but I realized that I've been ignoring your worries to satisfy my own desires instead of seeing things through your eyes," I replied pacing my hands on top of his, "so I'm making a promise that from now on, I'll listen to you when you say it's dangerous for me to be out of the house when there's threat on our family,"

He blinked and didn't say anything for a long while but he did pull me into an embrace as he sighed, "You've no idea how happy that makes me." He eventually said, "Kai the thought of you being out of my sight even if it's for a second scares the shit out of me in way no one ever has." I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him burying my face his neck, "thank you"

I shook my head, "No, thank you for always looking out for my well being even if I'm being stupid and reckless. And I know I've said it a few times already, but I'm really sorry for causing you so much stress."


"I narrowed down the locations of where Fredrick could be hiding to five," Caden said not taking his eyes off the screen, "I sent the first coordinates to Tony and he's checking them out now."

It's been a few days since I decided on not heading to work, not until all of Rick's allies have been taken care off and I could finally free myself from my past so I could move forward with my new life. I did contact my boss to let them know J would be needing to take a few months leave; one that the baby will be due soon and two, because of the threats and I didn't want anyone else getting involved in this.

He zoomed in on the screen and I gasped, "I know that place."

"How?" Zeke asked looking down at me as I laid a hand on my belly

"Because that's across the street from the library," I said before pointing at the screen, "See?"

He cursed before having Caden contact Tony to get to the busking fast ans he nodded taking his phone form his pocket just as my phone began ringing. I took it out and saw Caroline's name on the screen making my heart drop.

Caroline Storm is a stunning, and slim girl with a bubbly and gentle personality that had instantly drawn me to her when I had first started working at the library. She has soft baby blue eyes and platinum blond hair that she tends to always wear in a messy bun. She had also been the only person to talk to me and hadn't judged me for the wha I look or for being a guy who can get pregnant. She treated me so nicely and the fact she may be in danger scared me.

"Answer it but put it on speaker," Zeke said and I nodded doing as he instructed as Caden messaged Tony.

"Caroline?" I asked and the voice on the other end made my skin crawl as I heard a cry in the background

"You've got one more guess," the male said

"Fredrick," I answered making him chuckle

"Ding ding, we've got a winner," he replied and I looked at Zeke who clenched his jaw, "it's been quite difficult getting in touch with you, Kai."

"What do you want?" I asked silently cursing when my voice trembled

"I think you know exactly what I want," he replied, "You of course seeing as Rick sold you to me before he was killed"

"Over my dead body," Zeke snarled down the line making the man in the other end laugh

"It'll be a pleasure getting rid of you once and for all, Ezekiel,"

"I'd like to see you try,"

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