31. Kai

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"So have you decided on a date yet?" Caden asked as he and I walked through the snow covered garden while I pushed Ashton's stroller. Nearly a year has gone by since John brought me here. A year where a lot has happened. From finding I was expecting to Rick finding me to seeing him die and to giving birth to Ashton. I didn't know what to expect when I was bright here but nothing had prepared me to meeting and falling in love with my husband. Husband.

Despite being married, Zeke had proposed and said that he wished that we came together on different circumstances but I'm glad that we got together the way we did because I was able to see the real him both behind closed doors and when he's giving orders to his gang.

He looks like a ruthless mafia leader in front of people that don't know him but when we're together he's a completely different person. He's sweet, gentle, caring, and loving. He's also an absolute amazing cook and an even greater father. He's been with me from the moment I learned I was expecting to the day Ashton came into the world and has loved him since.

He's so gentle with the nearly one year that my heart swells every time I see them together. Ashton has him wrapped around his finger and he doesn't even know it. I have a feeling that if Ashton were to ask Zeke to give him a gun for his birthday in the near future that Zeke would do it in a heartbeat no questions asked. Hell, if Ashton said he killed someone, Zeke would dispose of the body and clean the evidence away. Those two are two peas in a pod.

"KAI!" I blinked and jumped as Caden yelled my name while waving his hand in my face,

"Huh?" I asked and he huffed rolling his eyes

"I asked if you picked a date yet for the wedding," he grumbled and I nodded and he raised a brow waiting for me to answer

"The 15th," I replied rolling my eyes and Caden grinned making me raise a brow,

"You're getting married the week before Zeke's birthday." He replied and I nodded, "did you guys plan that or was it coincidence?"

"Planned it," I said as we decided to head back into the house as Ashton became cranky do to it being almost his nap time.

"What about the honeymoon?" He asked

"We'll have it the week after his birthday," I answered and he smiled, "he doesn't know it but I actually want to throw him a party."

His smile got impossibly large, if that were possible, at the mention of throwing Zeke a party for his 27th birthday.

"I might just have an idea," he grinned

"An idea for what?" We both looked towards the sound of Zeke's voice to see him and Tony walking in our direction.

"For your honeymoon, duh," Caden answered with an eye roll making his brother roll his own shaking his head.

"We're not going to go to Italy," he stated making Caden huff, "Besides don't you think you should be focusing on something else that's two week away?"

Caden's eyes widened as if remembering something before cursing and taking his husband's hand and pulling him down the hall shouting his see you laters over his shoulder leaving me blinking at the sudden action before shaking my head and looking down at Ashton.

"You're uncle is one silly man, isn't he?" He replied with a toothy grin making me chuckle, "I'll take that as a yes."

"How was your walk?" Zeke asked walking over before leaning forward and taking Ashton out of the stroller making the little boy squeal and babble at getting his father's attention. "Were you good for mama?"

Ashton's reply was a grumpy babble making Zeke raise a brow and I rolled my eyes.

"He was good, but because it's time for his nap he got grouchy," I said and sure enough Ashton began rubbing at his eyes with his little fists and yawning.

I Married The Asshole (new version) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora