1. Kai

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a/n hi guys so I decided to write a new version of "I Married The Asshole" since I didn't quite like how that book and series for that matter came out so I hope you guys will like this version as much as you like the other version. Please let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan and as well as your thoughts/opinions




Growing up, my life was perfect in every sense of the word. I had the perfect family and the best of friends a person could ask for but I lost it all for being a stupid 18-year old that fell for the worst man possible. I met Rick when I was a junior in high school and he was in his second year of college. Despite having everything I could ask for, I still felt that I was missing something so when Rick confessed he had a crush on me a year after meeting, I fell completely in love with him, or perhaps I was just too blind to see that he wasn't right for me. I ignored every advice I got from my brothers, parents, and friends. I was too deep into the relationship that I didn't see reason. I ignored everything because, at the time, I felt that Rick was the perfect fit for me.

Now, as I look back in time, I realize that I was just scared to be alone that I fell for the first lie a man told me. I fell for Rick when he said he loved me and that when we were both ready that we'd get married, have a family and we'd have a perfect life but it didn't happen. After graduating I left my house going against every advice my dad and brothers gave me. Against everything that I knew in life. In the back of my mind, I knew I was making a mistake but I still went and moved in with him.

We lived together less than a month before he did a complete 180 and began physically, mentally, and verbally abusing me to the point where I believed everything he said to me. Just like I had believed him when he said he loved me. He never let me leave the apartment we lived in unless he went with me. He made me feel as if I was worthless whenever he saw me look at a dress or a necklace on display saying that such beautiful things didn't belong on a ugly person like me. It hurt like hell every time he said those things to me and I did everything I could to hide it from him knowing that he would only laugh and ridicule me further.

It wasn't until I met one of his former friends that I realized that Rick was the devil in disguise. That he lured every potential victim in with lies and fake promises only to break them to the point of no return. John was his name, and he helped me in more ways than none of his other friends that knew what Rick was doing to me did. I was a stupid and naive 18-year old who should've seen the signs when my friends and family were against my relationship from the start.

"You're the definition of stupid, Kai," I said as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, "you wouldn't be crying yourself to sleep every night if you had listened to your family and friends when they advised you that Rick was not a good man"

I bit my bottom lip as I felt my eyes sting. God, what I wouldn't give to be back home with my family and friends again. As soon as I graduated, Rick and I moved away from Colorado to Washington forcing me to cut ties with my loved ones. But even so, I would go behind his back and text them once in a while to let know that I was okay, that I was happy even if I was breaking on the inside.

Growing up I was the happiest kid on the block but now that I was close to turning 20, I was anything but happy. I was miserable and I have no one to blame but myself for my misery.

"Kai, it's time" I looked at the door when I heard John's voice and I swallowed the lump in my throat as fear cursed through my body at the thought of leaving, "Don't even think about backing out now, Kai."

I took a deep breath and nodded grabbing the duffel bag that held what little clothes I had remaining from my move two years ago.

"Come on, we don't have much time. Rick will be on his way with the others soon," John said as he grabbed my bag and tossed into the trunk with his own duffle bag before climbing into the driver's seat and I filled close behind him. He reserved out of the parking space he was parked in before spreading down the empty streets towards the main highway that would take us to freedom, "get some sleep, I'll wake you up when we reach our first stop"

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